FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. 1145 paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not - to exceed in the agglregate thirty thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein an eretofore appropriated: Itwvided farther, That M°‘“°°““°“ such modifications may be made as conditions existing at the time the work is begun indicate to be advisable: And provided furt/cer, That M"""‘““°°"· such modifications shall not cause the total cost of the work to exceed sixty thousand dollars. Improving Cowlitz and Lewis rivers, including the North Fork of ,,,§’§,§Yl2,Q_“$v‘},8},*°“” the Lewis R1ver, Washingt‘;>n: Continuing improvement and for main-' ` tenance, ten thousand do rs. Improving Puget Sound and its tributary waters, Washi·ngton: Con- W;‘,§°’ S°““‘*· °*°·· tinuing improvement and for maintenance, twenty thousand dollars, _ of which amount so much as may be necessar may be expended in the removal of Star Rock, Bellingham Bay, ami of rock obstructions at the entrance of Roche Harbor. I Improvin Swinomish Slough, Washington: Continuing i1nprove- W;Q¤°¤*¤h ¤l¤¤8¤· ment, five thousand dollars. , ` Improving the Okanogan and Pend Oreille rivers, Washington: For 0g§Q;*g,S::;*,¤v$£i2d maintenance of the Okanogan River and for continuing im rovement ' and maintenance of the Pend Oreille River, fifteen thousand) dollars. Snohomish River at Stretchs riille, Washington: Completing im- wQ{l‘°’””’*‘ Ri"'- provement in accordance with the approved project contained in House Document Numbered One hundred and sixt -three, Fifty-eighth Congress, second session, six thousand five hundred dollars. _ There is hereby ted to the Nome Improvement Company, a cor- Qgggi {*g¤r»A1¤¤¥¤£ poration organ er the laws of the State of Washington, the c0m£:¤}°m;:.IK€Z1¤ right to dredge Snake River, which enters Bering Sea at or near Nome, "‘*“‘ ‘·“'°“*°· Alaska, for a distance of not exceeding [ive thousand feet from the mouth thereof, and to extend such channel seaward not beyond apoint where the water is twelve feet dee , and to construct jetties on both sides of the channel so dredged, andlhulkheads at the outer end thereof, in accordance with plans to be a roved by the Secretary of War, with a view to making said Snake Ifiver available for harbor purposes for vessels drawing not less than six feet of water, and providing an entrance thereto. Upon the completion of the dredging of said Snake River and the *1*011- construction of the bulkheads and jetties, so as to form a channel from the ocean into Snake River not less than fifty feet wide and six feet deep at mean low tide, the said Nome Improvement Company shall have the right, during the time it may maintain the channel aforesaid, to collect as toll on freight and passengers entering "or leaving the mouth of the jetties so constructe , as follows: On a l freight carried S¢h¤<*¤¤·¢· in or out, one dollar per ton; engers, twenty-five cents each; horses and cattle, one dollar er head; hogs and sheep, twenty-five cents each: [’;·m,·»'tZed, howeve1·, That these rates of toll and any wharftnge rates gglgijpvé t charged or imposed by the said company may be revised, m ilied, or° ’° °' changed by the Secretary of lVar w enever c becomes satisfied that the same are unreasonable or oppressive: [5·w·£de¢l jiert/ter, That all m}:¤i¤¤* Md menative Indians and Eskimos shall have the right of free ingress and xsigneeraugasere. egress through said channel and jetties to and from Snake River with their boats, provisions, and personal effects. The said improvement company shall have the right to occupy and Rmuimed Mduse land by it reclaimed on each side of its said jetties and channels constructed by it where such land is not at the time °of approval of this act legally held or owned by any person. company, or corporation: [’mt·iderZ, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as limitin ,{,:r3;ig<_;¤i,d€ mm the rights of any State which may be hereafter organized from said ' Territory of Alaska to assert title to tide lands: Provider] fart/m·. That the United States may, upon notice to said company of not less Right or possession, than one year, take possession of and acquire full title to all such har- °°°" by Umm S°'"“‘
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1232