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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1236

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rxrrriciontru ooxensss. sm. 111. on. 1482. 1905. 1149 and harbor improvements, and for other purposes,—" is hereby made available to apply upon the cost of improvements enumerated in this Act, and no urther expenditures of said unallotted balance shall be made under the dprovisions of said Act of April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred an four. . Sec. 9. That the Secretary of War is hereby directed to cause m};lFg}j§**gtgWj‘{g1¤g}j preliminary examinations or surveys to be made at the localities ized" I named in this section as hereinafter provided. In all cases, unless a survey or estimate is herein ex ressl directed, a preliminary examination shall first be made which) shalfembrace information concerning the commercial importance, present and prospective, of the river or harbor mentioned; and a re rt as to the advisabilty of its improvement. Whenever such preliminary examination has been made, in case such improvement is not deemed advisable, no surveys thereof or estimate therefor shall be made without the direction of Congress; but in case the report shall be to the effect that such river or harbor is worthy of improvement, or that a survey and estimate should be made to determine the advisability of improvement, the Secretary of War is hereby directed, at his discretion, to cause surveys to be made and the cost of improvement of such river or harbor to be estimated and reported to Congress: Provided, That in all cases pre- f{’;Q}{’;‘Q,F·0, bond of liminarygxaminations as well as surveys shall be examined and reviewed engineer omcem. by the rd provided for in section three of the river and harbor Act V°*- **1*- S"- of June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and two. Such examination and · review shall be made by the said board of all examinations or surveys provided for in this Act, whether contained in section one or section ten; said board shall also on request by resolution of the Committee B°P°"· on Commerce of the United States Senate, or the Committee on Rivers • and Harbors of the House of Representatives, examine and review sur- _ veys provided for by Acts or resolutions prior to the river and harbor Act of June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and two, and report thereon: Provided 6"urthe1·, That at any time prior to the assemb ing of Con- P'“‘““¥· gress in ecember, nineteen undred and live, all reports of preliminary examinations and surveys that mav be ready for printing shall, in the discretion of the Secretary of Wai', be printed by the Public Printer as documents of the Fifty-ninth Congress. ALABAMA. Alnbsmn- Alabama River, with a view to securing a continuous navigation of four feet from the mouth to Montgomery, and from Montgomery to \Vetumpka. Conecuh River. A Tombigbee River, from Demopolis, Alabama, to Columbus, Mississippi, with a view to securing a continuous channel four feet deep. _ ARKANSAS. ·*"‘*°¤°* Upper Cache River, from the lower line of Jackson County to the upper line of Green County. Saint Francis River, with a view to open-channel improvement. CALIFORNIA. ¤•1¤¤¤i¤- Montere Harbor. Humboldt Bay, with a view to enlarging the channel in and from said bay to the city of Eureka. Petaluma Creek, with a View to straightening and otherwise improving the same. San Rafael Creek.