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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1241

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1154 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1482. 1905. Nort.hCh.ro1ina. NORTH CAROLINA. Inland waterway from Norfolk, Virginia, to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina, with a view to obtaining a channel of a depth of ten and twelve feet, respectiveli, upon the most advantageous route between the points named. Sue examination and survey shall be made by a board of engineer officers detailed by the Secretary of War, and they shall report upon the character and probable cost of any private waterways w ich it may be desirable to acquire in connection with, or as a part of the proposed improvement. Pamlico and ar rivers, with a view to obtaining a depth of ten feet below Washington, and four feet above as far as Greenville, with _ suitable widths. Bennetts River at and above Gatesville. Meherrin River, from the mouth thereof to the town of Murfreesboro.. ‘ Northeast River. ·_ V ~ Shallotte River, from its mouth to the town of Shallotte. °¤¢¤¤· _ onneon. Astoria Harbor. Clatskanie River, with a view to straightening the channel between Beaver Slough and Wallace Slough. 4 omo. omo. Ashtabula Harbor, with a view to the extension of the easterly arm of the breakwater. Cleveland Harbor, with a view to obtaining wharf room for the storage of material and plant and other Government property. Pcmmsyivmia. PENNSYLVANIA. Delaware River, shoal opposite Greenwich coal piers, with a view to its removal. _ Rhsdeislwd- RHODE ISLAND. Pawtuxet Cove. Newport Harbor, with a view to extending the space for light-draft anchorage in the southern part thereof. f Pawtucket River, with a view to deepening the channel to eighteen eet. 'fe¤¤¢¤¤¤¢· TENN1-zssmz. ’ Mississippi) River, from the town of Ashport, Tennessee, to the higplands a ve overflow at or near the town of Fort Pillow, and from ' A port east to the highlands above overiiow in Lauderdale County, with a view to improving navigation of said section of the river and preventing overiiow. Big Sandy River from mouth to Big Sandy. T°‘“~ rnxxs. Galveston Channel, with a view to enlargement and extension farther west, and the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to ascertain the rigpts of the United States in land bordering upon said channel, or to created by excavations therefrom, and to make such recommendations with respect thereto as he may deem desirable. i“Galveston Harbor, with aview of obtaining a uniform depth of thirty t. Sulphur River.