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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1243

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1156 F IFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. CHS. 1482, 1483. 1905. Harbor at Mayzéguez. Great Harbor, ulebra Island, with a view to providing a sufficient entrance or entrances thereto. " _ mma. Tnnmronr or HAWAII. Harbor at Hilo, Island of Hawaii, with a view to the construction . of a breakwater along Blonde Reef to Cocoanut Island. Midwey ”'°°d°· mnwnr isnnms. Welles Harbor, Midway Islands. Approved. March 3, 1905. M h3·19°5· CHAP. 1483.-A A t Makf f d'l f h

 Govemment for the Iiiscgl year gbcbblguildxrrlzhtliisdigthjuhinrgtdddl hdddgddegntil sx?

[1>ubu¤,m». 216.] and for other purposes. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Njllgfpgloslifajj States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal yea; ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred ` an six, namely: mg,f•'“'Y ”°l"“"‘ UNDER THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. rumse buildings. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Adrian. Mich. Adrian, Michigan, plost-ollice: For completion of building under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. » Aim-: 1.e¤,M1n¤. Albert Lea, Minnesota, post—oflice: For completion of building under present limit, slalghteen thousand dollars. Amm»¤y,u¤. Amesbury, assachusetts, {post-office: For completion of building Ender present limit, thirty-t ree thousand seven hundred and fifty ollars. Allentown. Im. Allentown, Pennsylvania, post—office: For continuation of building under present limit, fifteen thousand dollars. _ Anaemnrna. Anderson, Indiana, post-office: For completion of building under present limit, twenty-uve thousand dollars. A¤mm¤,.·.1¤. Anniston, Alabama, post-oflice: For completion of building under present limit, sixty thousand dollars. Athens, se. Athens, Georgia, post-oflice and court-house: For completion of building under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. Atlantic cm-, :4.1. Atlantic City, New Jersey, post-omce: For completion of building under present limit, thirty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Baltimore, ma. Baltimore, Maryland, custom-house: To enable the Secretary of the g‘§Z,'{’,§‘§}K‘,§°ff,gd_ Treasury to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, the properties known as the Peabody and Gunton properties, immediately Publiclnwszdsess., adjacent to the site of said_ custom-house building, as provided in the "°3‘ Act of April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four, fifteen thousand dollars. nmsvsnne, ark. Batesville, Arkansas, lpost-office and c0urt~house: For colmepletion of building under present unit, seventeen thousand five hund dollars. name c»¤k,uI¤¤. Battle Creek, Michitgan, post-office: For continuation of building under present limit, ii teen thousand dollars. Biloxi. nn-. Biloxi, Mississippi, post-office, court-house, and custom-house: For continuation of bui ding under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. {‘§·Mh_ ‘ Bufalo, New York, marine hospital: For continuation of building · under present limit, thirty thousand dollars.