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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1248

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905. 1161 \’Vestchester, Pennsylvania, post-office: For completion of building W°'"°"°’·‘€’· *’“· under present limit, fifteen thousand dollars. ‘ \Vheeling, \Vest Virginia, post-office, court—house, and custom- W"°°““g- “’· V“· house: For continuation of building under present limit, thirty thousand dollars. Yankton, South Dakota, post-office: For completion of building Y““’“°“· S- D“k· under present limit, thirty thousand dollars. Zanesville, Ohio, post-office: For completion of building under pres- z“”°“m°· Ohment limit, thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars. ` For Treasury buildin at Washin` ton, District of Columbia: For !,,Vl_?g,”8*{’,";,,g,lf· 1éB§);lll‘S to Treasury, ButTer, and Win<£:r buildings, eighteen thousand ry gs` o ars. F ire-alarm system, Treasury Department: For maintenance of the a,j1;f°m“°*° 5** automatic iire—alarm system now in the Treasury and Winder build- ` ings, two thousand six hundred and twenty-Eve dollars. Bureau of Engraving and Printing building, Washington, District m§‘§',$§'}»r‘§{,¤{:,’,§¥'“" of Columbia: For completion of buildings under present limit, sixty- · fiv; thousand dollars. or the acquisition of square three hundred and twent *-four in the P°“‘0‘“°*· city of \Vashington, and District of Columbia, as a site fdr an addition 32{umhuw of mmm to the Post-Otlice building, in accordance with the rovisions of the act V0]- 3* P· mlof Con ress approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, four hundregd thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For repairs and preservation of public buildings: Repairs and pres- ervation of custom-houses, court-houses, and post-offices, and quaran-’ tine stations, buildings and wharf at Sitka, Alaska, and the other public buildings and the grounds thereof under the control of the reasury Department, exclusive of marine hospitals, four hundred and h _ fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That of the sum hereby a propriated su$:°1Sw¤ae¤a,em. not exceeding forty thousand dollars may be used, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the employment, outside of the Dis- · trict of Columbia, of superintendents and others, including mechanical labor force. at a rate of compensation not exceeding for any one erson six dollars per day. And hereafter, unless otherwise specifically pro- T€’“p°’“'Y°*““"°"· vided by law, whenever the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to secure temporary quarters for the use of Government officials pending the alteration, improvement. or repairs to, or the remodeling, reconstruction, or enlargement of, any public building belonging to the United States under the control of the Treasury Department, the u‘Q§`§'°*"l""°"“ ‘“"‘"` following-named appropriations shall be available, if necessary. in connection with such portions of the premises as may be rented for or occupied by such officials in the same manner, for the same purpose, and to the same extent as if the title to such premises were vested in the United States. namely: Fuel, lights, and water for public buildings: furniture and repairs of same for public buildings: pay of assistant custodians and janitors: and vaults, safes, and locks for public buildings. , _ Heating apparatus for public buildings: For heating, hoisting. and H"‘“‘“g ”*’p“"""“· ventilating apparatus, am repairs to the same, for all public buildings, including quarantine stations and exclusive of marine hospitals, under the control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of personal services, except for work done by contract. two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; but of this amount not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars may be M€°h°¤*°*· *=*°· expended for personal services of mechanics and others employed outside of the District of Columbia, in making repairs or inspecting work done on heating, hoisting, and ventilating apparatus. V lg _ f Vaults. safes, and locks for public buildings: For vaults. safes, and MK t" `° es' {md locks, and repairs to the same, for all public buildings under the con- __ trol of the Treasury Department. exclusive of rsonal services, except for work done by contract, forty thousand dolldrs; but of this amount not exceeding three thousand dollars may be expended for personal