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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1253

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I].66 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1483. 1905; if said tender is accepted within ninety days from the date of the approval of this Act an the Secretary of the Treasury is notiiied thereof, then all right, title, and interest in said material is hereby vested in said Commissioners of the District of Columbia to be by them used direggy or indirectly through any corporate organization that may be crea for the constructing a publicbuilding of such size and strength as wil permit the useof said material substantially in the edlgrtstismwwvniv form in w ich it was used at the LouisianaPurchase Exposition; said ` tenéleé to be mad? the fugther condition that tl; tmung dowp of sai overnmen ui in an the transportation materia to S mm Elasltplngton, Digzirict (pf glglumbia, shalldinvolve no Expense to the

  • °¤·8¤ °*¤¤¤ · nit tates. said ten er is accepte as aforesai permission is

hereby granted to store said material on some unimproved public~res» ervation in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, to be selected by the piiipet; irée charge 0:; pmblic buildings and grounds with the approva o e cretary o ar. mrs ew. Por purchase of books, pamphlets, and periodicals for reference in the National Museum, two thousand dollars. R¢r¤*¤· ¤¤¤· • For repairs to buildings, shops,_and sheds, National Museum, includ· · mgvall necessary labor and material, fifteen thousand dollars. wt- N or nie;; of workshops and tgmpgraxly storage qluarters for the ationa useum, four thousand ve un red an ei ty dollars. Pumas. ii Fir ppistage stiamps and foreign postal cards for the Igational Museum, ve un re do lars. A ,,·*fgf*°"*1Z°°l°¢*°°‘ Nunoiui. Zoonocion. PARK: For continuing- the construction of rozdls, wallgs, pr1dges, supply, sewerage zzpd drainage; andtfor · gr mg p an ing, an o erwise improving e oun s· erec mg ang repairing buildipgs amt inclopures; caxie, subsirtence, purchase, an transportation o anima s· inc udin sa aries or compensation o all necessary employees, the phrchase og necessary books and periodicals, the printing and publishing of operations, not exceeding one thousand ·five hundred copies, and general incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, includinfg purchase; maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles required or official purposes ninetv-five thou- Hulf mm District sand dollars; one half of which sum shall be paid from the revenues '°"°”“°”‘ olf tac Dggict of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of t e United States. m;§:;°({;,;*;},;s,,fQ¤· rxrnnsrarn communes commssrorr. I m§:;Q;’f°”"* C°m”‘*“‘ For salaries of Commissioners, as provided by the ‘*Act to regulate v¤1.2·s,p.sas. commerce," thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars; For salary of secretary, as provided by the "Act to revulate commerce " three thousand five hundred dollars· U gxregses-379 Foriall other necessary expenditures, to enable the Commission to °° '°'give eliect to the provisions of the Act to regulate commerce, and all dots and amendments supplementary thereto, two hundred and forty- mne thousand dollars; of which sum not exceeding twenty-tive thousand dollars may be ex nded in the em loyment of counsel, and not exceeding one thousandyfive hundred dollars ma be expended for the purchase of necessary books, reports, and periodicals, and not exceeding one thousand five hundred ollars may be expended for printing ot er than that done at the Government Printing Office. In all. two hundred and ninety thousand dollars. mQ{‘Q§{f,’;Q*g;*ce*;f ’°“· The unexpended balance of the sum of ten thousand dollars appropdlmsnce pnated for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine by the v01_;;;, pP_»§,]m_ ‘*Act concerning carriersengaged in interstate commerce and their employees,” approved June first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight,