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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1272

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F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 1483. 1905. 1].85 railroad land grants and such indemnity lands as the several States and Termtories may be entitled to in lieu of lands granted them for educational and other purposes which may have been sold or included in some reservation or otherwise disposed of, and other surveys shall be confined to lands adapted to agriculture and lines of reservations, except forest reservations, and lands within boundaries of forest reservations, except that the Commi sioner of the General Land Office may *}j‘{,‘£Y allow, for the survey and resurvey of lands heavily timbered, moun-`” ` tainous, or covered with dense undergrowth, rates not exceeding thirteen dollars per linear mile for standard and meander lines, eleven dollars for township, and seven dollars for section lines, and in cases of exceptional difiiculties in the surveys, where the work can not be contracted for at these rates, compensation for surveys and resnrve s may be allowed by the said Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, at rates not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard and meander lines, fifteen dollars for town- _ _ ship, and twelve dollars for section lines: Providedfurther, That in etgmds1°C°1lf°m“’ the States of California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, WVyomin , the Territories of Arizona and New Mexico, and the district of Aliaska, there may be allowed, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for the survey and resurvey of lands heavily timbered, mountainous, or covered with dense undergrowth, rates not exceeding twenty-Eve dollars per linear mile for standard and meander lines, twenty-three dollars for township, and twenty dollars for section lines; the provisions of section twenty-four “·“··'°°·“m·P·“*· hundred and eleven, Revised Statutes of the United States, authorizin allowance for surveys in California and Oregon, are hereby extended to all of the above—named States and Territories and district, And of B°°"°"’°°° , the sum hereby appropriated there may be éépended such an amount as the Commissioner of the General Land ce may deem necessary for examination of public surveys in the several surveying districts, by such competent surveyors as the Secretary of the Interior may select, or by such competent surveyors as he may authorize the sur- d veyor—general to select, at such compensation not exceeding six dollars PU i""` per day, and such per diem allowance in lieu of subsistence not exceeding three dollars, while engaged in field examinations, as he may prescribe, said per diem allowance to be also made to such clerks who are competent surveyors who may be detailed to make field examinations, in order to test the accuracy of the work in the field. and to prevent payment for fraudulent and im erfect surveys returned by deputy surveyors, and forexaminations oi) surveys heretofore made and reported to he defective or fraudulent, and inspecting mineral deposits, coal lJ,‘,§P°°""*‘ “‘""""l fields, and timber districts, and for making by such competent survey- ors fra rmentary surveys, onice examination of surveying returns, and _ such ofher surveys or examinations as may be required for identification of lands for purposes of evidence in any suit or proceeding in behalf of the United States, and from the amount hereby appropriated ¤¤¤‘¢F¤i¤ N¢¤d·- there may be expended for survevs in the mining regions of l\evada, situated south of the first standard parallel north of Mount Diablo base line, not to exceed twentv—tive thousand dollars. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to Wyoming. _ cause to be made a resurvey of the following townships in the State wg?,!;`},`}",,'? °f °°'°"° of Wyoming: Townships twenty-one north, ranges one hundred and sixteen, one hundred and seventeen, one hundred and eighteen, one hundred and nineteen, and one hundred and twenty west of the sixth principal meridian; and township twenty-two north, ranges one hundred and seventeen, one hundred and eighteen, one hundred and nineteen and one hundred and twenty west of the sixth principal meridian; and township twenty-three north, ranges one hundred and seventeen, one hundred and eighteen, one hundred and nineteen and one hundred vox. xxxm, rr 1--75