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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1304

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F IFTY —EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1484. 1905. 1217 To defray the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs, being additional to the permanent appropriation for this purpose, for the fiscal year ending une thirtiet , nineteen hundred and four, twenty ` thousand dollars. Y To refund to K. Odo and T. Murakami amounts collected from them K. Odc and *1*. Muerroneously on merchandise imported into the port of Honolulu, "§Z}'“,,l;d ,,,,_ Hawaii, in September, nineteen undred and two, and covered into the Treasury as a iiue, which has been since remitted, Eve hundred and fifty-four dollars and eighty cents. Punuc Hunan Ann Mxnmn-Hosmnr Snavrcnz For maintenance Mfy,gfHH¤gl;{¤Sg;;* and ordinarfy expenses of the Public Health and Marine-Hos ital ice. up ` Service in a ditiou to the tonnage tax appropriated by Act of func $§f'§“;"§‘ twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, made necessary by decrease in the tonnage tax, and added expense in the maintenance of the Public Health and Mariue—Hospital Service, and additional expend- V°l· 32- 1**12 itures entailed under the provisions of the Act of July first, nineteen hundred and two, entitle "An Act to increase the eliiciency and change the name of the United States Marine-Hos ital Service,” two hundred thousand dollars for the fiscal years, as folllows: d {pr the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, two hundred thousand o rs. d got the fiscal year nineteen hundred_and six, two hundred thousand o ars. _ Thatlo much of sectiomfifteeu of an Act entitled "An Act to remove nfggq ***,0 gg certain burdens on the American merchant marine and encourage the mm wngkeliux. American foreign ing trade, and for other rposea,” approved v°"°*"`°" June twenty-sixth,(:e`ilgZtem hundred and eighty-fgur, as makes a per- ` manent appropriation of the receipts for duties on tonnage pirovided for by said Act for the expenses of maintaining the Marine-, ospital Service is hereby repealed, to take effect from and after June thirtieth, * ‘ nineteen hundred and six. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall, E'°""°°“· for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, and annually thereafter, submit to Congress, in the regular Book of Estimates, etailed estimates of the expenses of maintaining the Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service. Surrunssrxe COUNTEBFEITING· AND OTHER cuurns: For expenses ,e§g_¤{g;*:¤*;g °°¤¤· incurred under the authority or with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury in detectinggarresting, and delivering into the custody of · the United States marshal having urisdiction, dealers and pretended dealers in counterfeit money, and] persons engaged in counterfeiting Treasur notes, bonds, national~ban notes, an other securities of the United States and of foreign governments, as well as the coins of the United States and of foreign [governments, and other felonies committed against the laws of the nited States relating to the pay and bounty laws. and for no other purpose whatever, seven thousan dollars: Provided, That no part o this amount be used in defraying the expenses of any person subpocnaed by the United States courts to _ attend any trial before a United States court or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, which expenses shall be paid from the appropriation for “I•`ees of witnesses, United States courts. " Rnmnr or rm: umns or Gnonen McGnr:m:r: To enable the Sec- ‘gg*g°j{°{}l';°';,g{;_ retarv of the Treasury to carr * out the provisions of the Act for the or. _ relief of the heirs of George ll’IcGhehey for services rendered as mail n'" °'ml‘ contractor, approved February eighth, nineteen hundred and five, one hundred and thirty-seven dollars and thirty-nine cents. raxonavme AND rninrmc. m.}*,{{€,§';‘f’”g *‘“" For labor and expenses of engraving and printing: For salaries of G1erk¤.¤=¤..¤•¤1¤¤e¤ all necessary clerks and employees, other than plate printers and plate V . vcr xxxm, rr 1—77