IIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Ssss. III. _Crr. 1484. 1905. 1227 Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one hundred and twenty-one thousand eight hundred and seven dollars and ninety-three cents: Pimddetl, That one-half of any sum or Q;',',,?,",,,, www sums retained by State Homes on account of pensions received from ` inmates shall be deducted from the aid herein provided for. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS IN AND AROUND WASH- g,f,*,{’,}Q,,"§,“{,“ ”“" IN GTON.` ` To reimburse the appropriation for reconstruction and repair of “°p‘“'“· post—a.nd-chain fences, and other purposes, on account of increased expenses for removing snow and ice, two thousand dollars. _ SHERMAN STATUE: o pay for the collection of materials, prepara- ¤Mr·¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- tion, editing, proof reading, and supervision through the press of the volume (Senate Document Numbered Three hundred and twenty) authorized by concurrent resolution of Congress, numbered fifty-seven, ¤<>¤¢¤({r¤¤¤ RM Fifty-eiglnth Congress, second session, entitled "Sherman, a Memorial mmm' 2 M" p' 9‘ in Art, ratory, and Literature, by the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, with the aid of the Congress of the United States,” said amount to be disbursed by the engineer in charge of public buildings and grounds, seven hundred dollars. STATE, WAR, AND NAVY DEPARTMENT BUILDING. Nf§,9{_,§;,,lf,}gf· """ For fuel, lights, repairs, and miscellaneous items, Eve thousand three "“°‘· °*“· hundred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty-oue cents. NAVY DEPARTMENT. N'“’>' D°¥’°'”"°'“- Co1v·rrNor:N1• nxrmvsms: For stationery, furniture, newspapers, Ccminsencexpcnsss. plans, drawings, drawing materials, horses and wagons to be used only for officia purposes, freight, expressage, postage, and other abso— lutely necessary expenses of the Navy Department and its various bureaus and offices, including not exceeding two hundred dollars for re irs of Mills Building, two thousand dollars. NAVAL Onsnnvsronv: For fuel, oil, grease, tools, pipe, wire, and mN¤¤i¤¤¤¤0¤¤¤¤•- other materials needed for the maintenance and repair of the boilers, iliiei, ew. engines, heating apparatus, electric lighting and power plant, and water·supply system; purchase and maintenance o teams; material for boxing nautical instruments for transportation; paints, telegraph and telephone service, and incidental labor, two thousand dollars. · NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. ,,.£'.:f"‘ E’““"'·"· To reimburse the American Society in London the amount advanced ,_0·}jg;;*°·¤ S°°*¤°Y· by said organization to enable a deserter from the United States Navy Reimtumemem. to return to his ship, being for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five. twenty dollars and seven cents. To pay Martha A. Hughes, widow of Edward M. Hughes, late com- §;‘,‘;:;f],*Qh*{y,1gl;$j· inander, United States Navy, amount due the late Commander Hughes ` for the diderence between mileage and expenses allowed and that that should have been allowed, one hundred an sixty-six dollars and three cents. Gmxmrun Accouxr or Avvaxcmsz To reimburse "Gener·al account dG¤¤¤m1¤¤¤<>¤nc of of advances," created by the Act of June nineteenth, eighteen hundred ° €§ll`§°[fp_ 16; and seventy-eight, for amounts advanced therefrom and expended on account of the several appropriations named in excess of the sums
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