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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1353

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1266 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cas. 1497, 1498. 1905. benefit the same is performed, the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe such fees for said service as he may deem proper. A1¤¤k¤dHi¤¢¤¤<=¤1 Sec. 2. That all fees received by the secretary of the district of ListZ§°»Yt:rx}·si‘s`SZit1fé Alaska as such secretary, from every source whatsoever, shall be dis- “'°"""· bursed, on the order of the governor of the district of Alaska, for the benefit of the Alaska Historical Library and Museum, as provided in V<>¤-¤r1>-33 section thirty-two, chapter one, title one, of an Act approved June sixth, nineteen hundred, entitled "An Act making furt er provision for a civil government for Alaska, and for other purposes; ’ and all such reggipts andl disbursements shall be accounted for in the manner rescri d in said section. B°¤° °**°*°*j¤'Y· P Sec. 3. That the secretary of the district of Alaska, before entering upon the duties of said office, shall execute a bond with sufficient sureties, to be a proved by the Secretary of the Interior, and in such penal sum as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, conditioned upon the safe·keepin , faithful disbursement, and proper accounting for all moneys from whatsoever source which may come into his_ hands as such secretary. Approved, March 3, 1905. March s, 19iB. CHAP. 1498.-An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the con- [H- R- lm!-I struction of al§ht-house and fog signal at Diamond Shoal, on the coast of North Caro- [pubuc, N0_ BL] lina, at Cape attems/’ approved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and four. “ Be it enacted by t/ae Senate and House of Rqeresentattves of t/ae Matted HQ{;*;;>;¤*§*hé>¤1·°·P° States of America in Congress assembled, That chapter eighteen hun- .4me,pZ¤d1,§¤¤e¤¤- dred and fourteen of the public statutes, second session l§ifty-eighth °°‘ Congress, entitled "An Act to provide for the construction of a lighthouse and fog signal at Diamond Shoal, on the coast of North Carolina, at Cape Hatteras/’ approved A ril twenty-eighth, nineteen pandred and four, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as o ows: cewmcasaozugm- That Albert F. Eells, of Boston, Massachusetts, be, and he is hereby, {‘{’_“§§ §{‘§,,f,°§_“{§,'}§ authorized, with such others as may be associated with him, to construct, in the manner and on the conditions herein s iiied, a substantial and sufficient lighthouse and fog signal of the lstiest and most improved construction, together with suc auxiliary works of the most modern character and such as will be necessary to maintain the same permanently, upon the outer Diamond Shoal, on the coast of North Carolina, at Cape Hatteras. "9°¤*°*“*°"d°¤¤°d· That the word "structure"hereinafter used shall be construed to mean “light-house and fo signal," as hereinbefore specified. ·

  • ’°P°”‘°b°*“°**· That the said Eells and ghis associates shall, within six months from

the date 3fI;h)e)approval of this Act, tile with the Secretary of Com- ` merce an r— —*°°°P°°¤°°· · A (a) A15 agreement in writing accepting all of the provisions of this ct; an · ,c_D%f¤¥·¤¤°¤P°°*· (b) Detailed drawings and sgenifications of the structure in all its ' parts for the approval of said cretary upon his determination that the plans conform to the standards required by the Light-House Service, and assure the stability of the completed structure except as to the possible yieldin of the sand or other material upon which it is to be placed aifectin de verticality of the tower or the height of the light, the risk of wgich is wholly that of the said Eells and his asso- A of pim ciafes, or islucciessors, and their dheiirs ang gigzal tgepresentativeg. And b §,,,“'“ _ un ess sa ans are a rove said re rior to anuar nierce first, nineteelh hundred ddd six, and the constructliyonpof the roposed structure bein good faith commenced within six months after such approval, the au ority granted by this Act shall cease.