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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1379

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INDEX. V Appomrdloy lfiver, Va., Pazé- Appropriations—C0ntinued. - Page. appropriation for improvement of 1124 for condemnation expenses, opening high- _ Appoquiymimink River, De],, ways to Zoologiml Park _,_________ 524 appropriation for improvement of- ... 1122 for damages extending Albemarle street, Apprqiggrs, Ijygql, D- .·...-----.-. 535 appropriation for expenses of meetings- 465, 1169 for 00¤d6m¤$ti0¤ €XP€¤S°¤» extending Appraisers of Merchandise, Customs, A*be¤·¤¤·1¤ stmci ··‘··‘‘ r ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 536 temporary vacancies provided for _______ _ 983 £0r care of insane, Indian Territory . .` 539 Appremm/8, Nami, or exnoegssrs, Merchant Marine (10m- 561 ¤vv¤>wi==¤·>¤ f<>¤>·¤*¤*¤ ---—-------— 326-1093 for aims ad21`a£iJ-iii §fil1§.§S`i{1L13-S.§fiL}Z Approprialivmg, I-to]-Sy ____________________________ 573 8PPV0l`•*`n*tion for Statement of ·—-·—--- 510, 1211 for damages, extension of Wyoming avefor méont. deficiencies, __,,.__,,,, Q , 15, 602 Due, D_ C ________________________ 579 for de ¢1€¤0]0S ---·-----·---·- - ·----- 394, 121* for condemnation expenses, extending` for mplgmgtw and consular service .. 67 , 915 Wyoming avenue _________________ 579 for legislative, executive, and judicial ex- for rme (fonmsts trophies meads etc 580 ng3g_ __,_ , ._____,,__.,_,.. 85,631 I ’ · ~ ’ ·s·’ H; 1.,- imiign pt-pmmm ,.. iss, ms f°’ °‘*;°;,‘;§°fg,m§§‘,f;"g *°' '°“ ‘°" °* f“’ 586 for fnnnnnnnnns -····~-------·-······· 23*% 84*5 for expenses confereiioe-oi-lnterpiirliaz fgr guppgrt Of the Arrny ___,____ , ,. 259, 827 mentalzy Union 587 fm. D°P‘}'tm°nt °f Agdculmm ········· zmv 861 for surveving etc. 598 nn' P°nS*°n¤ ----- : ·-·····--·-··-······ 315· 848 for Richmond Va national cemeterir fm- the naval gervxbe _ ,,,,.. , _,,.. .. .- 324, 1092 addition;]]' gréilnd ’ 612 fgrnigtrictofcolumbia .,,,,,.. --. 363,883 f - h ld f ·--t'ié'---l-T- for wml genie?] ____________________ 429,1082 or Pnigng 0 em 0 npecln ‘ ax ~°nP¤ 710 fgr i it3,r.y Aca emy ., , . . 449, 849 °`T"` ```'°'`°°`````°' "' for river and harbor works, preserving. -. 451 §°r inch pqbhc S°h°°l°* D' C ‘·‘‘·‘··· : · · 710 - or preparing plats, etc., of lands outside for nvgrg and harbors , - . 1117 of W Shu] t C·t 738 for Sundry (;ivi]6xpB1'1s€S. ..,,. ..1 452, 1156 . 8 g on of:"`" `°````` for removing ice and snow, Potomac Rxver nn` mnfklng Emne nf P‘°"° Cnnnles _ ,,,,4 pm.-M ofColumbia- 6,582, 1280,1283 L E¤f¤¤* -··- . ---·-··—·-·-·· ; ·-·--- #*1 for mmpui.-0 mmmn or mw, ee., mm for d»·¤¤z¤¤ <->=s¢•=¤d¤¤z M stm NL; ----- 979 mdewaliis D C 14 for condemnation expenses, extending M for peimbm-sing Iowa. for troops, etc- Z 58Street ‘"‘‘·‘ · ‘'‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’'·'· 979 for clearing Potomac River, D. C., of ice. 60, 716 fo1‘ m0¤\1¤¤¢¤¤, GM-, G€tPYBb\U‘§, to BM- ror Govemment exhibit, Lewis and Clark wry E, F cqrth Artillery .. - 980 ‘ Exposition _______________ _ _______ 177 for public-convenience stations, Washingfor A]3,gk3u exhibit, Lewis alld Clhfk EX- tour D· C- · · L; ·············-·~--·· 984 hou _________ _ ____________ ____ 177 for damages, extending T street, D. 1003 ` for buiidings, Govemment exhibit, Lewis fo1' 00Dd9mD$t\0¤ 6X13G11S6G, Gxihudlng T and (jlgyk EXW-mon ______... 177 street ---.--.-----·-------. f --. 1 003 for condemnation proceedings, extension for paying award, extension o Nineof Eighth street, D. C . ...- 248 teenth street, D. C 1008 for dmnagegqetc., chlgnge of grade, etc., 251 for c01iden;nati$1 expenses, extension of 009 Umor; . tation, . ... fine een s ree .. . .. 1 . for condemnation proceedings, extension for leprosy hospital, Molokai, Hawaii 1010 of Twenty-third street, D. C T- 253 for damages, extending Kalorama avenue, for expenses extending Twéllly-[lllfd { D. C. ..-... . . l0]] street ___,... - ..,.--.. 253 j for expenses, condemning land, extension for School sections ceded on Rosebud I of Kalorama avenue -. 1012 Indian Reservation, S. Dak .-.. 258for per capita, etc., cession oi Shoshone for school sections, etc., Flathead Reset- i Indian Reservation, Wyo .. 1021 wtivn, foT M0¤t¤¤¤‘ -------------~ 305 I for damages. extension of Rittenhouse for school l¤¤d¤_f<>r North Dakota, etc-, ; semen, D. 0 .. mam ceded Devils L¤l<6 I¤d1¤¤ R¤¤€l'V¤· forexpenses, extending Rittenhouse street. 1040 tion . li . .·--· { - - -6 ---- E - - -1; 323 for J mnestown Tencentennial celebration. 1047 fI'SuV€’ll1jz,80\I1 80. 1'0W»!‘8€ f a·tii rd Y tqi ° `}¤&»¤ Rq»•»¤·¤¢i6¤. ¤i<·¤* --------- 359 "’ "LJlL3.3-.?§..?..T’T. .}’.Y '}‘Z‘T‘f’}‘.'T‘} my fn? Scnwi s*"`n°nS ff"` M°nmn“· Cm"" for public·comfort stations, etc ..,,., 1278 In‘nnn R“*"`$“nnn ·-···-········· 36* for Congressional expenses, inaugural cerefor cession of Camel _/·0ne_ by Panama 429 ,,,0,,;,,, _______ · _ 1280’1286 fm 'lnlgnggn cxwnding kalomma av?!??; 515 a for expenses of impeachment trial of Judge M ··¤···f~¤?·¤·¤~·· ¤¤·=¤¤i<·¤ 0* I forY.S.¥¥;T?{2‘is,;;1;,‘a>a1i1;;:::;::;;1;;;:: {$23 Kalomma mmm ‘’'‘‘'‘' "' 516 * ex nditures in excess of for fiscal v for damages, extension of Euclid place, 518 · P8 forbidden ‘ * * s · °"“'· 1257 U. J .. . .--------- . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ` , · - y _ t ‘ { for contingent expenses, etc.,_to be appor- "" "°'¥}.'2{}I}“,SlLi2e.?’$YY{’?€’?-?T.iT`?}??.?. 518 qwneu to prevent dangle-o ... my for dgniages widening V street, D. C . 521 lf10d1H03h0H Only 0n written order of , for condemnation expenses PXi8DSi0H of h99·d_0f9$t3bl1Shm€Hf; report . 12nB ‘ V sheen_______ ____ f _______ _ _____ 522 not applicable to Senate or House of f 1 · I - mm-,5 to Zoot0g_ epresentatives -. . 1258 or ‘ mx; pag}? ____ ___,,, , ..,. 524 Aque~'ur·[ D. Cl (see Washington Aqueduct),