Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1406

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XXXII IN DEX. Cowan, Nelson, P¤B€· ] Criers, Fnited Stales Oourts, Pagepayment of· Court of Claims judgment to appropriation for pay of .. 508, 1208 administrator of .. 768 pay increased ..,.,..,,.. 1259 Cowles and Lech, Grill, Edward S., refund of internal-revenue taxes to .. 807 deficiency appropriation for . 21 Cowles, Elias, Grimes, payment of French spoliaticn claim to ad- appropriation for suppressing counterfeitministratrix of 788 ing, etc .,. 464, 1169 Cowles, Elyah, and Company, for prosecution of ..,__, 506,1205 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- deficiency appropriation for suppressing ministmtcr of surviving partner 788 counterfeiting, etc ,. 20, 1217 Cowles, Walter C, Grimes and Misrlemeanors, payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 7-17 penalty for counterfeiting weather fore- Oowlitz Rirer, Wash., cqsys, interfering with bulletins, etc, 864 appropriation for imprO`~€m€nt Of ________ 1145 for fauling to have veshbules to street Coupery '].Ohn’ carq, D. C., November to Apnl .`.-. 1001 payment of French spoliatiou claim to ad- for gmzing OT W98F3S8in?, Bull RUB I°0Y`· ypiuistrgtoy Of ____________________ 783 est Reserve, Qreg . ._ . 526 Caliper an(l COmp,my’ John, for huntmg, etc., m Wichita Forest Repayment of French spoliation claim to ad- _S€1`V€y Okla;, game P¥'€$€"\'€ - ··---— 614 ministrator of surviving partner - - . 781 for Illegal USQOI S1g¤_0f R€d Cross ----- 601 Craigs Brook, Me , for I1QHCOmpl1an0c V\'lth laws for protecgpprgpyigtigu fg]- Hgh hatchery ______ _ _ _ _ 477 tI0D})? life On_Qa·€‘$€Dg€Y V€S$€l§ ...- wane, Hannah Sn for prqciucing medicine and surgery II} Inclaim for value of land taken in San Fran- dw-P T€¥'“t0I'Y Wlthmlt ¥`€g¤StmUQ¤- 301 cisco, Q3_1_, referred to Court O; for recmving fee for special act penswn 316 Claims .. . , 815 cases -----··——-----------—-·----- ` gmx,. Dlke National pam, Omg_, forunyvaryantedugq,cQc.,0ftradc-marks- 728 appropriation for pmummg, etc .. 487, usa fvr ¤{¤<>1¤¤¤¤ Phlhppw-> trade regula- C9·az·m, Charles H, f $10;;; ‘‘‘‘ I ‘ " if: ‘ j.‘ 1 ‘ ’·‘·‘· · ·. ···· 18] payment of Court of Claims judgment to Or ESQ? mg ig {IL `ifring mgu m1°HS¤ wid.,,,, Of _________________,_______ 750 f gg 1¤.¤ 0 f<>1¤¤§ 13-i -·--——-- 307 Omni-m_d George 44. or X10 gm IOIIS 0 axys, ru es, atc., 0t ’ - ’ · - .,. S rm s Reservation Ark . 187 payment 0I Court of Clmms judgment t0-. 403 f tg f h ’ Y 1 . C,mufm_d’ James, or xlmlq 101% 0 _£p armac) regu atmns, i payment of French spoliatiou claim to ad- . h m mn. Ernpry ‘ ‘: ‘‘‘‘ j ‘‘‘‘ 1* · 502 ministmmr of .____,_,__,________ , 790 Pums m$nYlY°'_‘}?t;{’$ aS1*.*&Sp{"’t°" Ot hu S 9 cmuyma, J1x11~»·4 1L, f _ Q: ";;.€’**{.;lf“{**¤{I €*_ —--—-· ;--—1- 10~9 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 772 Ol 8°;;l;aI;?§1gLméig?é Y “”P°" wm 8 1965 Cy-auybrds»·ille, Ind., for illetaining S€3ll]€Il,é--\';l;)£il§;l;’·` H1; — Q appropriation for public building 1157 creased _ "’ 168 (heh Indians (see also Five Civilizcd Tribes for embezzlghé Of I'?‘““·"’*)· . torv board of pharmacv ... 554 ¤PP*`0P"i*m'*n for mwmslte GXPBUSQS ···-· 205 for expénding money excess of mr completing surveys, ctc., of town R pm ,mm0nS_ _ _’ _____ ’ ____________ 1 258 Sm"—‘ -----·--···-----·--------·-·· mm for funse aiEHdavits and <·ert,ificzm·s in inf<¤ ¤¤¤ki¤¤ r<>¤<*¤, ew ---------·------· 205 mn cam District of Culuinbiu aw for ¤¤<r>€¤¤<¤¤· ¤¤¤<~» MM *¤¤¤i¤¤ ·>f ¤=¤·<*¤ for cmmixlxm liisposal of rxncartgzagch- Of ··~·--··-·--·---·-···—-·---- 205, 10***) ctx-. personal pmpertv Distrivt •»i for payment to executor of William M. (yolflmma ___________ f_ 554 Spmlge" B"` “‘*"i"°*‘ ····--·--·---· gm for giving false €\'i*ll’ll("€ to Qxlluhig ·|;a{|·>ii; for paying outstanding indebtedness . . . 1072 Q Atnations R, S(,(.,,m]-(.]a,S umu mime,. Sq; {OT I”*)'i¤Q' Tume" Ha"*l“'*"`*’ COUIPRHY 5 for illegal moviuv etc. of cattle from ~ fF""‘ f“"d’ ‘-’f ··—·----··--·-·-···—- _ mz? I quarantine digiricts 7. . .Q ... 1265 f?*`_U`*b*‘*l "'“h""l*·_· · ; -·-· ; ······—··- 21*: 10*6 for mailing, atv., insects injurious to demcwncy ap_prnprmt1<>u mr sale, em., l _ ¤ culmuwd (mm _________'________ 1270 hmds "I-; --·--··-—---—-- ; -·--—-~- 125* for neglect, ctc., of offivers, owners, etc., allotment to uh1ldre11 enrolled Smce May Og vessels causing. loss Of lift. 1095 giwm ·--·—----—·—---—·--·----·- 1071 incase v` xr r i · ._,. _ _-·_i'. 5 agqg;~ta§Tyi;rnt of lands of, allotted to S€m· I0") im- placirigi Céxggxggxggsxxear -bl;{l;l·ii\)!S; 10-5 U :—· - · ; ···-·---·---—--··-·-· ; · - 4- · statues, etc., D. C , 1033 p¤·¤y¤¤<·¤$ <>¤ <·\¤¤e=¤1 labor, SMG mi 1<·¤¤¤¤g _ _ » for resisting mm quarantine can-m. .. 1265 M lands 0* -, ·····- - ·---·—--—- ;—--_- °S3 for sending or receiving obscene litem-

0 be made for IlIl\.ll'()V€U1€IlYS by §exm· _ mw, Btn_, by express? extemged to

POI'? "“ 1¤¤·1S ‘“- - z —--—···-—···—--- 12* 2 exporting or importing 705

  • 35 Of a{g°t'“€"ti:d - for shipping insect pests in iutersta to and

¤~<~~n Ge ·-»···· »»~,`”` "` ”’ " { for é.‘E?§‘;§‘3“£§3.‘§I°¤`;;;];?;1‘&4; g;];;;,;; ”‘° appropriation for consul at ..,,. Z5, Q2? mgm _ __‘ ______________ _ _______ j _ 308 _f°r Cmrk hm ·········-·---·-·—------ ’8=92b for unlawfully stamping gold or silver ‘ €¥’¢’19hl0n. James JL, f articles with "United States Assay," payment of Court of Claims judgment m . 772 em _______,______________________ 732 CY?'????] J D., _ E for willfully selling, etc., noubuoyam dehcmncy appropnazicm for seniees ,,,.. 421 ( life pmsenym __________________‘_ 1025