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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/152

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64 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 502-50l. 190-1;. Secretary of War shall have authority, and it shall be his duty, to req_uire the said bridge company to alter and change the said bridge, at its own expense, in such manner as may be proper to secure free . and complete navigation without impediment. _ °P°"“"g ‘“'“”· Sec. 4. That the draw provided for the bridge herein authorized to be constructed shall be opened promptly, upon reasonable signal, for “*"‘“* ‘"“· the passing of boats; and said company or corporation shall maintain, at its own expense, from sunset to sunrise, such lights or other signals on said brid e as the Light-House Board shall prescribe. - ,iQ{,l""’ °f °°""“°` Sec. 5. That if actual construction of the bridge herein authorized shall not be commenced within one year and be completed within three years from the date-of approval of this Act, the rights and privileges ereby granted shall cease and be determined. Approved, March 9, 1904. · ‘ u¤mn0.1804. CHAP. 503.-An Act Relating to ap lieations, declaratory statements, entries, [H· Rc 11812-] and linnl proofs under the homestead anti, other land laws, and to confirm the same · [Public, 1%,43,] ¤ cases when made outside of the land district within which the land is _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRq>reaentah}ve.s of tbe United

§‘,§l,§; of up States ofAmeMIca in Congress assembled, That whenever it shall appear
‘_£¤»°f¢*¤l_3 to the Commissioner of the General Land Office that an error has

P Nheretofore been made by the officers of any local land office in receiving any application, dec aratory statement, entry, or iinal proof under the homestead or other land laws, and that there was no fraud practiced by the entryman. and that there are no prior adverse claimants to the land described in the entry, and that no other reason why the title should not vest in the entryman exists, except that said application, Vol Q 63 declaratory statement, entry, or mproof was not made within the land A,,,;._',,;£;,_ ‘ district in which the lands appli for are situated, as provided by the Alot loLMarcg1 elegenth, nineteen hundred and two, such entry or proof s al con rme . m°°f Sec. 2. That this Act shall be in force from and after its passage and approval. . _ Approved, Marcin 9, 1904. smb ?.1U4. CHAP. 504.-An Act Granting additional lands adjacent to the site of the [$*21-] University of Montana to the State of Montana for the uses of said university, [Public, No. 44. I Be it enacted by the Senate and Ibuxe of .Rq1reaentative.s of the United f§',§‘}‘l"{‘,;,m, had States of America in LIINQPESS aaaemb/ed., That there is hereby granted yum ¢<> Yuiversirr to the State of Montana for the use_0f the University of Montana the ve:. gn, p. sm. following-described land lying within Missoula County, Montana, and ”"“"¥’* °“· ad'acent to the site of said university in said State. namely: The south half of section twentvsix; the south half of the northeast quarter and the south half of the northwest quarter of section twentv-six; all situated in township thirteen north and range nineteen west,`the same to be used for a site for an observatorv for said imiversity. "‘°°°“ Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to ilssue a patent for the said land from the United States to the State of ontana. - Approved, March 9, 190-L