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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/154

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66 FI1•`TY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 506, 542. 1904. H¤¤ghS%41904· CHAP. 506.-An Act Penjmittiug the Kiowa, Ohickasha gud Fort Snxith Rai]way . [ ‘ ‘] Company to sell and conve£;ts rmlroad and other property in the Iudmu Terptory [Pub1i¤,No.46.] to the Eastern Oklahoma lway Company, and the Eastern Oklahoma Raxlway Company to lease all its railroad and other property in the Indian Territory to the Atchison, Topeka. and Santa Fe Railway Company, and thereafter to sell its railroad and other property to said the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. Be it enacted Une Senate and Housé 0 /"Representativea of the United {gfx: T°C'{*ug°{£h8 States of America m Oowgress assembled, That the Kiowa, Chickasha me rmi smim mm- and Fort Smith Railway ompany may sell and convey to the Eastern "§{l$‘t{§"§§;n0kh. Oklahoma Railway Company the railway of the Kiowa, (Jhickasha and

  • ¤°¤=¤ R¤“W¤Y °°m· Fort Smith Railway Company extendin from Lindsay to Pauls Valle ·

panysuthorlzed. . . . . E . . . y, m the Indmn Terrwory, and the mg ts, pr1v11eges, and franchises re§ting;heroto, such sag; and conveyance to Re made uponfuch terms an con itions as may agree upon y the boards of irectors of the respective companies. Rgg:;¤&g1;;k:y¤¤ Sec. 2. That the Eastern Oklahoma Railway Company may lease to Lease ur p,m¤¤{ w the Atclnson, Togeka and Santa Fe Bmlwaf Com ny the portion of §,f°,f{¥f“i'f,°P§{g;§‘} the railroad of c Eastern Oklahoma Rai way (glmpany extending (X7|||P•·¤Y ubwul. from Pauls Valley, in the Indian Territory, to the southern boundary of Oklahoma Territory wgther with the rights, privileges, and franchises of the Eastern (3k oma Railway Company relating thereto, such lease to be made ugon such terms qnd cond1tions as may be agreed S¤¤¤¤q¤¤¤¢¤¤1¤- upon by the boards of irectors of the resgcotive companies. In casa such lease shall be made, the Eastonn O lanoma Eaxlwny Company thereafter 1{my sell and convey the sand portion of 1{GS rsulroad 1D the Indutn Terntory, together with the mghts, pF1V1I8g9S, and fra.nchises relating thereto, to e Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, upon such terms and conditions as mqy be agreed upon by the · boztrds of dlrectors of the respective companies. md";;;':; Smigg Rm; Sec. 3. ihaht uhcasa the KIOWB, fhgkashu {ori; znnth Rmlway ww. ompany s a so an convey to ta e a.st»crn oma i way Comgnr the aforesaid railway of the Kiowa, Chickashu and Fort Smith

     1 way Company, and the r1€hts, privileiges, and franchises relating

Wks md Slm F; thereto, than the Eastern Ok ahomu 1].m weéfompeny nmy lease to bévsey Gcmvsnv ni- the Atchnsonz Topeka and Santa I1 e Itmlway mpemy smd rmlwug of the Kiowa, (Jhmkasha and Font Smxth Rfmlway Company exten ing from Lmdsay to Pauls Valley, in the lnchan Territory, together wit the mghts, gtV11BgBS, and franchises of the Kiowa, Chmkasha and Fort bm1;h nlwuy Comfnny I‘0l8.tlDg thereto, such lease to be made

 uggn suc terms and con  1tions as mey be agreed upon by the boards

o xroctors of the respective compnmes. And in case such lease shall be made, then the Eastern Oklahoma Ranwuy Company may sell and convey the szud raxlwey of the Ktowa, Chncknsha. and Fort Smith way fnompany extending front L1DdS8X Pauls Valley, 151 the Indnm Territory, together yvush the nghtshpnwlcies, and franchmes relating thereto,to the Atchison, Topeka an Santa e Ruilwn Company upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon gy the boards of directors of the respective companies. Approved, March 11, 1904. M b12.1N4. CHAP. 542.-A A P' thdin » iggissi ‘

 River between the colungcs c§n£€'E·ti1;l€t mil gggrbulxg,?ndt€1l;1$ca!t(f?>ft£]£n);{esota.ppl

c, No. 47.} » Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofR¢;preamm¢ives 0 the U 'ted §§§ mg! fgmztes of America in Oongreqc asaémbled, That the consentlof Congess

g tajxereby granted to th0 }u1DD8SOt8 Power and Trolley Company (a

m, t xnneqota corpommon), ne successors or assngns, to construct and I m rnmntuun across the MISSISSIPPI Rxver adam, canal, and works nocessm nly mmdent thereto, for wabertpower pnyposes, at anjgfoint between section seventeen or enghteen, m townshxp one hundr and twenty-