Schedule B.SCHEDULE B.
Salaries.Salaries, Consular Service.
For salaries of consuls-general at the following places, namely:
Calcutta, Constantinople, Cape Town (Africa), Habana, Hongkong, London, Ottawa, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, and Shanghai, at five thousand dollars each, fifty thousand dollars;
Melbourne, four thousand five hundred dollars;
Berlin, Canton, Mexico, Montreal, Mukden, Panama, Saint Petersburg, and Yokohama, at four thousand dollars each, thirty-two thousand dollars;
Antwerp, Halifax, Hamburg, Singapore, and Vienna, at three thousand five hundred dollars each, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars;
Apia and Nukualofa, Barcelona, Buenos Ayres, Coburg, Dresden, Frankfort, Guayaquil, Monterey, Rome, Rotterdam, Saint Gall, and Marseilles, at three thousand dollars each, thirty-six thousand dollars;
Auckland (New Zealand), and Munich, at two thousand five hundred dollars each, five thousand dollars;
Post, p. 394.Guatemala City (Guatemala), Maracaibo, Tangier, and Santo Domingo, at two thousand dollars each, eight thousand dollars;
Christiania, two thousand dollars;
Total for salaries of consuls-general, one hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars.
For salaries of consuls at the following places, namely:
Class I, $5,000 a year,CLASS I.
At five thousand dollars per annum.
Liverpool, England.
At three thousand five hundred dollars per annum.
Amoy, China.
Antung, Manchuria.
Bremen, Germany.
Callao, Peru.
Dalny, Manchuria.
Dawson City, Northwest Territory.
Havre, France.
Lourenso Marquez, Africa.
Tientsin, China.
Pretoria, South Africa.
Southampton, England.
At three thousand dollars per annum.
Barmen, Germany.
Bahia, Brazil.
Basle, Switzerland.
Belfast, Ireland.
Bordeaux, France.
Bradford, England.
Chefoo, China.
Chungking, China.
Cienfuegos, Cuba.