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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/168

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upon the assurance that suffering seamen and citizens of the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospitals.


Contingent expenses, consulates.Expenses of providing all such stationery, blanks, record and other books, seals, presses, flags, signs, rent, postage, furniture, statistics, newspapers, freight (foreign and domestic), telegrams, advertising, messenger service, traveling expenses of consular officers and consular clerks, compensation of Chinese writers, loss by exchange, and such other miscellaneous expenses as the President may think necessary for the several consulates, consular agencies, and commercial agencies in the transaction of their business, two hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars.
Approved, March 12, 1904.

March 14, 1904.
[H. R. 10136.]
[Public, No. 49.]
CHAP. 544.—An Act Authorizing bail in criminal cases upon appeal in the courts of Indian Territory.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Indian Territory. That upon appeals in all criminal cases from inferior courts to the United States district courts, Bail allowed in criminal cases on appeals.and from the district courts to the court of appeals, in the Indian Territory, the defendants shall be admitted to bail pending the final determination of the cases upon appeal except in capital cases. Bond.The amount of bail shall be fixed and the bond shall be approved by the court trying the case or by one of the judges of the court of appeals. Such bond shall be conditional for the appearance of the defendant at all times, when required in the prosecution of said appeal, and that he will surrender himself in execution of the final judgment therein.
Pending cases.Sec. 2. That the provisions of this Act shall apply to all cases now pending upon appeal in the courts of the Indian Territory.
Approved, March 14, 1904.

March 14, 1904.
[H. R. 3578.]
[Public, No. 50.]
CHAP. 545.—An Act To authorize the Mercantile Bridge Company to construct a bridge over the Monongahela River, Pennsylvania, from a point in the borough of North Charleroi, Washington County, to a point in Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Monongahela River, Pa. That the Mercantile Bridge Company, a proposed company or which application for a charter and letters patent has been made Mercantile Bridge Company may bridge.to the governor the State of Pennsylvania by Tom P. Sloan, John Percival, B. C. Sloan, A. H. Nelson, and Henry Sheets, is hereby authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a highway bridge across Location.the Monongahela River from a point in the borough of North Charleroi, county of Washington and State of Pennsylvania, to a point on the opposite side of the river, in the township of Rostraver, county of Westmoreland and State of Pennsylvania. The said bridge, when built in accordance with this Act, shall be a legal structure and may be used for all the purposes of a highway bridge.

Construction.Sec. 2. That the channel span of any bridge built under the provisions of this Act shall not be less than fifty-four feet above the level of the water at pool full in said river, measured to the lowest part of the superstructure thereof, nor shall the said span be less than three hundred feet in length in the clear, and the piers of the bridge shall be