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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/216

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128 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. foreign educational systems, one thousand eight hundred dollars; specialist in educational system, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; seven clerks of class one; five clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four cop ists; two copyists, at eight hundred dollars each; copy- ist, seven himdyred and twenty dollars; skilled laborer, eight hundred and forty dollars; one assistant messenger; two laborers; three laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; laborer, four hundred dollars; in all, fifty-two thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. Bwks For books for library, current educational periodicals, other current pufplgatiolnsi and completing valuable sets of periodicals, two hundred an ty dollars. SP°°*'“ '°P°"”· For collecting s(taitfisti;·1s.fpi1;gpe(§:ial reports and circulars of information, two thousan ve un dollars. nw2g?? °°°“‘ For the purchase, distribution, and exchange of educational docu- ' ments, and for the collection, exchange, and cataloguing of educational apparatus and appliances, text-book, and educational reference books, articles of schoo furniture and models of school buildings illustrative of foreign and domestic systems and methods of education, and for procuring anthropological instruments of precision, and for repairing the same, two thousand five hundred dollars. _ c,:,‘§{§{‘§,°§f“’°”‘ °‘ Orrion or rm: Surniziwrnsnrmr or rum Cnrron Bumnum no GROUNDS2 For Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds, four thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; chief electrical engineer, two thousand four hundred dollars; draftsman, one thousand dollars; assistant draftsman, eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; stenographer and typewriter, one thousand two hundred dollars; compensation to disbursing clerk, one thousand dollars; one messen er; person in charge of the heating of the Supreme Court and central portion of the Capitol, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars; laborer in charge of water—c1osets in central portion of the Capitol, six hundred and sixty dollars; seven laborers for cleaning Rotunda, corridors, Dome, and old library portion of Capitol, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; two laborers in charge of public closets of the House of Representatives and in the _ tprrace, ({1; seigen léunélreddand twenéty dgllars each; in all, twenty-two t iousan `ve un re an twentv- our dollars. °"““““°"‘°‘°°°'“·4 Coxriuoniwr Exrmzsrzs Dnraamnnr or rm: lnrnmonz For the fpllowing sump, which shall be so apportioned as to prevent deficiencies t erein, name y: For contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary of the Interior and the bureaus, offices, and buildings of the Interior Department, including. the Civil Service Commission: For fumiture, carpets, ice, lumber, ardware, dry goods, advertising, telegraéphing, expressage, wagons and harness, food and shoeing o horses, iagrams, awnings, constructing model and other cases, cases for drawings, file holders, repfnirs of pasps aiéetfulpniture, and pther apsplutely necessary expenses, · inc udin ue an ig ts, ninety thousand ollars. S*°“°¤°'¥· For stgtionery for the Department of the Interior and its several bureausdapcll offices, including the Civil Service Commission, sixty thousan dollars. Books. For professional and scientiiic books, law books, and books to complete broken sets, periodicals, directories, and other books of reference relating to the business of the Department, one thousand dollars, of gthich snam two hundred and fifty dollars may be used for the Civil t rvice ‘ommission. asm. For rent of buildgigs for the Department of the Interior, namely: For the Bureau of ucatiou, four thousand dollars; Geological Survey, twenty-nine thousand two hundred dollars; additional rooms for