142 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 716-718. 1904. 1* S-·='°°·1’°*°· P-31* said sum to be paid to the reporters, notwithstanding section seven- V0]-1"·P·1°°· teen hundred and sixty-five of the Revised Statutes, or section three of the Act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter three hundred and twenty-eight. ml§°{;*;8g;;P;gg°¤g*;*&? Sec. 2. That the pay of assistant messengers, firemen, watchmen, memem.laborers, and charwomen provided for in this Act, unless otherwise specially stated, shall be as follows: For assistant messengers, firemen, ’ and watchmen, at the rate of seven hundred and twenty dollars lper annum each; for laborers, at the rate of six hundred and sixty dollars per anmgn each, and for chalrwomen, at the rate of two hundred and fort dollars r annum eac . - m§:e{’1*g'){¤°’;{.“c[{’p1;*;{j Sigc. 3. Thdie the appropriations herein made for the officers, clerks, mee persons. and ersons employed in the public service shall not be available for the compensatilofn of any plersons incapacitated, otherwise than tem rari for ormin suc service. mE*{'*{g§1*},'; *;;*0,1;;; Nbopartbf any? money agpropriated by this or any other Act shall em. be available for paying expenses of horses and carriages or drivers therefor for the personal use of any officer rovided for y this or any other Act other than the President of the Cnited States, the heads of QQ; www mg Executive Departments, and the Secretary to the President: Provided, rrict Columbia- That this provision shall not apply to ofncials outside of the District of Columbia in the performance of their public duties. This paragraph shall not take effect until July first, nineteen hundred and four. R¢v•=¤1- Sec. 4. That all laws or parts of laws inconsistent with this Act are repealed. _ Approved, March 18, 1904. _ ‘ Merch 19· 190·r CHAP. 717.-An Act To amend an Act to amend an Act to construct a bridge IH' R‘g°53‘] across the Missouri River at a point between Kansas City and Sibley, in Jackson [Public, No. 58.] County, _ _ Be it emwted by tbe Senate and House of Re€7·esentatives of the United .§E,"§"Q§f§§;, ,0,. States of America in Oongreas assembled, That section three of the bridging _¤<·>¤w¢¢¤ Act entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to authorize i$i°iGZ.C`“ wd Sm the construction of a. bridge across the Missouri River at the most “:'e‘;,},gf“· 1’· “‘· accessible point between the city of Kansas City and the town of Sible , in the county of Jackson and State of MlSSOU1'l,’,’ approved March tlwenty-ninth, eiglhtleen hundxgled ind ninety-four, be, and the same is ereb r, so amen e as to rea as o ows: dgms ¤f <¤<>¤¤¤*¤¤- “Sec. 3. That the construction of the bridge authorized to be con- ` structed by the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, hereinbefore named and of which this Act is amendatory, shall begin within one year and be completed within three years from March twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and four, and unless these conglitipns be campged this Act and the Act of which it is amendatory a l be nu an voi . ·¤¤¢¤*1¤¤¤¤¢- Sec. 2. That Congress reserves the right to change, alter, amend, or revise this Act and the Acts of which it is amendatory at any time. ‘Approved, March 19, 1904. 11¤¤’¢‘h 19-190-1- CHAP. 718.-An Act To authorize the Secretar of War to accept from the citi-
wm'] zens of Missoula, Montana, deeds donating to the United States certain lands for the
p·um1<·,>:o. asa.] enlargement of the military reservation o Fort Mismula, Montana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativea· of the United
States ofdmerica in (Qbngress a··¤sem.bZed, That the Secretary of War is
{g¤¤¤1¤¢si¤s Mews- hereby authorized to accept from the citizens of Missoula Montana, ' deeds donating to the United States the followingdescribed lands for D•*°'*P*1°¤· the enlar ment of the military reservation of Fort Missoula, namel : _ The soutbchalf of the southwest quarter of section twenty-five, tde