I46 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 817. 1904;. March 24. 1904. CHAP. 817.-An Act To approve and ratify Act Numbered Seventy-three of the [K R· 6494*] legislative assembly of the Territory of Arizona. Public, No. 68. [ I Whereas on the nineteenth day of March, nineteen hundred and three, P"’°“‘b1“‘ the legislative assembly of the Territory of Arizona. enacted the followin law: "To provide for the loan of one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of making improvements to the Territorial Asylum for the Insane and for authorizing the issuance of bonds for said amount, and for other pur oses; and "Whereas the number of insane persons confined in the Territorial Asylum for the Insane is now almost three hundred; and "VVhereas the accommodations for such insane persons at the Territorial Asylum for the Insane are not adequate for the roper care and accommodation of more than one hundred and hfty insane _ tients; and " Whereas as a result of this overcrowded condition in the Territorial Asylum for the Insane many patients are crowded into small rooms only suitable for the accommodation of one or two patients at the most; and, as a further result, it is impossible under existin conditions to make adequate sanitary provisions for the health and welfare of the inmates of said institution for the insane, rendering it impossible for those in charge of said institution to properly separate and classify these unfortunate beings possessed of different kinds and degrees of insanity and kindred affections, but such management is obliged to confine the patients so aillicted in the same wards and rooms miscellaneously; and . " Whereas some of the rooms and wards of the Territorial Asylum for the Insane provided for such unfortunates are so located as not to be accessible to the sunlight at any season of the year, and the health of the patients kept in such cells is thereby greatly endangered and the possibility of restoration to reason and an ultimate cure prevented; and "Whereas on account of the foregoing conditions it is impossible for ' the warden of the Territorial Aylum for the Insane to render adeguate and ofttimes necessary medical aid and attention to the inmates: ow, therefore ".Be it enacted dy the legislative assembly of the Territory of Arizona. §’§§‘$'Q‘;,,,,h,,,,,ed Section 1. That for the purpose of erecting such buildings and makfg };g¤w¤¤* I¤¤¤¤¤ ing such other improvements on the rounds now owned by the Terriytory of Arizona and used as ground; for the Territorial Asylum for the Insane in Maricopia County, Arizona Territory, as will in their judgment best serve the purposes of relievin the unsatisfactory conditions prevailing at the said Territorial Asydum for the Insane, the board o control of the Territory of Arizona is hereby authorized and empowered to rocure a loan on the faith and credit of the Territory of Arizona as tgllowsz ’““°“"'°**P””·°‘°· “Sec. 2. That a loan of one hundred thousand dollars is hereby authorized to be negotiated on the faith and credit of the Territory of Arizona, to be paid at the end of fifty years from the date said loan commences, which said loan shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per centum per annum, redeemable at the end of twenty-five years, principal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States, said oan to be neglotiated in sums as follows: 8**** °‘ *’°“'*“- “The boar of control of the Territory of Arizona under this section is authorized and hereby empowered to negotiate a sale of bonds for the Territorial Asylum for the Insane in any sum not to exceed twenty thousand dollars for the current year ending July first, nineteen hundred and four, and in amounts not to exceed ten thousand dollars in any one year thereafter ending July first, until the full loan of lime lziculndred thousand dollars authorized by this act shall have been ex us .