F IFI`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. ‘ Sess. Il. Cris. 817, 836. 1904. 149 control shall open all sealed proposals received by it, and shall award the purchase of said bonds to the highest bidder or bidders therefor: Promded, That said board of contro may reject any and all bids if ggxgn dual they deem to-fthe adlvantage of the Territory of Arizona: Andpro- Ty ° wt at the may reject any and all bids unless security mq plgiall Qifurrgishedfby tie bidlder or béddlers fgrbgorrépliiance with the 1:mS ereo or 1 in e ju gment o the said ar o control such re]ection willbenetit the Territory. _ " Sec. 10. That in addition to the powers expressly conferred or acts cfggirgvipl wav directed to be performed herein, the said board of control of Arizona ° °°°”°' rslbiy this act authezsrized, empowered,) and ldgrectgd to dp and perform w tever act or ac are necessary to e pe orm in the premises to fully carry out and complete the terms, intent and urposes of this niet. _ "S1w. 11. This act is subject to approval ami) ratification by the C‘f§Q‘!;e¥°,gB'“l· °"°·• *7 Congress of the United States. ` “Sr.c. 12. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after m°°*· its a roval b the Con ress of the United States. PP Y g` ec E S I . . vrzs, "President of the Council. "Tr1mo¤oma T. Powmrs, " Speaker of the House. "Approved, March 19, 1903. O B "Ar.r:xArmr:n . Roma, —· “Governor. " Therefore, Bettenactedby the SenateandHm4se0fR esmmhbesof the United States of America in mrm assembled, Hat said Act Numbered mg? ,;{*,;*;g;*.,!,§},[ Seventy-three of thelegishtive assembly of the Territory of wp;1 oilmue Asylum. Arizona, approved March nineteenth, nineteen undred and three, be, "° ’°°°‘ and the same is, in all of its parts and in all things, hereby approved, ratified, and confirmed. Sec. 2. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after mm. its passage. Approved, March 24, 1904. CHAP. 886.-An Act Directing the Secretary of War to expend one hundred and March 25.1904; twentyifive thousand dollars heretofore appropriated for a channel through Sabine [Pg; I La e, exas. c, c. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of War is g•;¤£eK»g€i§:¤6l hereby authorized and directed to use and expend the one hundred and eimmei nmugn. twenty-tive thousand dollars appropriated by an Act entitled "An m§;{’,$;·,‘},*,§§¤g§,*;’; Act making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preserve- thygfeg P 356 tion of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other pur-‘ ‘ ’ poses," approved June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and two, for the purpose of) improving mouths of Sabir;;an(diNecl1res réivgs, Texas., in a ·da wit House Document Num re wo un re an ninety- niiig; Fg;-fourth Congress, second session, by connecting) the same with Sabine Pass by a channel eight feet deep through Sa ine Lake, in excavating and constructing a channel eight or more feet deep from the mouths of the Sabine and Neches rivers. at or near the west shore of Sabine Lake, to Taylors Bayou, a navigable stream in the State of Texas. · Approved, March 25, 190+.