Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/240

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152 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 848, 849,851, 852. 1904. SH-Im§2§%é19<;4· 848.TAn Act Ceding certain land appertaining to the custom-house at ‘ ‘ · Samt Joseph, Missouri, for use as a street. blic, No. 72. [Pu 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives of the United §_‘§,‘}f,J‘j,‘f¥Q*,;;,{,‘°;0, States of America in Ocngress assembled, That the Secretary of the •¤ee=1»¤r1><>=¤¢¤¤¤- Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to grant, relinquish, and convey to the city of Saint Joseph, in the State of Missouri, a stri of land ten feet in width off of the west side of the site of the Fetlldral buildin in said cit of Saint Joseph, and extending along Ei hth street, grom Edmond, to Charles street, a distance of two hundredg and forty-three feet, more or less, the said strip of land to be used for street purposes only. Approved, March 28, 1904. Mumh 28. 1904- CHAP. 849.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to determine the semions [K R· 8335] ot the circuit and district courts of the United States for the eastern district of Wis- {r¤¤nc,] ppvrgshrpiigiggmved March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, chapter _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Resentatives 0 the United $#.;.*%*}.5.*;**.*2.% States Ofammte an came assemblef me Act,£at1et1··A¤ i“f,f°g’jf m Act providing the terms and places of holding the courts of the United wv14d1g? 12 States in the eastern district of W1SCODSlD,,’ approved March thirty- makes. ’ p' ’ prat, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, be amended so as to read as 0 ows: . Terms · "That the regular terms of the circuit and district courts of the United States for the eastern district of Wisconsin shall be held at the times and laces following: At Milwaukee on the first Mondays of January and October, and at Oshkosh on the second Tuesday in June Green my msec. of each year, and at Green Bay the tirst Tuesday in April of each ycar." meet. Sec. 2. That this Act Shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ‘ · Approved, March 28, 1904. )(•rch29.1904. CHAP. 851.-An Act To supplement and amend an Act entitled "An Act to [S- *6*-] authorize the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River, and to establish it [mane, xs. 14.] as a post·road," approved February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and three. Be it enacted ln; the Senate and [lease gfRq1n·esentatives of the United pikmueritaagé { States of America in Uongress assemble , That section eight of the Act ,,,,1,,}*,,,, ,," K,,,,,§ entitled "An Act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the <>i¤>‘· Ma Missouri River, and to establish it as a post-road," be., and the same is hereby, so supplemented and amended as to extend the time for the commencement of the construction of the bridge and approaches, by ‘¤QQQ,},·edi'j’· P- 920- said Act authorized, until the twenty-eighth da of August, nineteen hundred and four, and to extend the time for the comp etion of said bridge to February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and seven. Approved, March 29, 1904. { Wg CHAP. 852.-An Act To authorize the counties of Sherburne and Wright, Min- ‘ · ·] nesota, to construct a bridge across the Mississippi River. [Public, No. 75. _ _ 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §‘§l§§§,l;*"fhd States ofielmeriea in Congress assembled, That the counties of Shergxglyrtugiggges burne and WVright, in the State of Minnesota, throu h their corporate mifnsio.authorities, are hereby authorized and empoweredg to construct and