160 . FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sisss. Il. Cns. 862, 939. 1904. folding rooms, but only the largest multiple of the number constituting H§§g‘,'{f,‘,fr'gS*},’,}"{,;; the fu 1 membership of each or either House, including the Secretary tives. added and Sergeant-at—Arms of the Senate and Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Doorkeeper of the House, which shall be contained in the round numbers thus accredited to each or either House, so that the number delivered shall divide evenly and without remainder among the members of the House to which they are delivered- and the remainder of the documents thus resulting shall be turiied over to the superintendent of gocitilments, to be Elistribpged by hilm, iirstt, to pubgcpnd spliool lilbrailries or epurposeo comp e ing ro en se s· secon opu 10 an sc oo libraries that have not been supplied with any pdrtions of such sets, gndéclastily, byk sale to ottper persopsbsairid libraries to be namedl to y r na rs epresen 1ves an e ega es IH ongress; an in IS distribution’the superintenddnt of documents shall see that as far as practicable an equal allowance is made to each Senator, Representative, and Delegate." — Approved, April 6., 1904. April 7, IW4. CHAP. 939.-An Act To authorize The New York, New Haven and Hartford lS· *67*] Company to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge acms the Connect- [Public, N0. ICU IVSI'. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep6·esentat2?ves of the United ,‘;§;$,°°{Jf,‘}*kB*§({;, States of America in Congress assembled, That The New York, New myeu ami nénmu Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, a corporation created by the ,1,},§§,1§,.‘{.§‘g‘l,_§’§.‘{,§,{‘{ genera? assembly of the Stat; of Coplnecticut, its successors and assigns, °°LYm°· °°¤¤· e an the same are here y authorized to construct maintain, and olpémtt a railroad bridge acrods the Connecticut River from a point in t e town of Old Saybrook easterly to a point on the opposite bank of sai;] giver in the tgwn ott Old Lyme, the ezgsct location, length of span, _ an eight of said bri ge to be approve by the Secretary of \\'a1·. ¤n¥;,¤p*gjt¤r}mg;¤¤¤¤¤ The said bridgée, lwhen buillt éccordanpe ge provisions and ' requirements 0 t is Act s a a lega an ul structure and may be used as a highwdy for railroad purposes, and shall take the place of the present railroad bridge in said vicinity lxjg gw Sec. 2. That_the bridgle authorized shall be bui t under and subject ' to such regulations for the security of navigation of said river as the Secretary of War shall prescribe. and to secure that obyect the sand company shall submit to the said Secretary of W'ar for is examination an approval a design and drawing of the brid e and piers and a map of the_ ocation, giving for the space of one-hadf mile above and one—halt mile below the proposed location the topography of the banks of tl1B•I'lV8l‘, the shore lines at high and low water, an accurate representation of the bottom of the river, determined by actual soundmgs, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subyect; and until the said plans Chu and locations are approved by him the bridge shall not be commenced ¤°’- or built; and should any change be made in said bridge before or after cpmplition, sucgivghange shal be likewise subject to the approval of _ the retary o ar. ”'§,’,}‘,{'f"*'“°*°" “°“‘ Sino. 3. That this bridge shall be kept and managed so as to offer reasonable and proper means for the passage of vessels through or under the same, an for the safety of vesse s passing at night there hishu. em. shall be displayed on said bridge from sunset to sunrise such lights or other signa s as the Lig·ht—House Board shall Vprescribe. And any changes in Sald br1dge which the Secretary of ar may at any time deem necessary to be made and shall order in the interest of navigation U b m shall be made by saidcomfpany at its own erpense. _ _ '° ’° °‘ ‘°°"'* Sec. -1. That all railroa companies desiring the use of said brid shall have and be entitled to equal rights and privileges relative to tb;
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