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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/252

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164 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 9i7—949. 1904. Agri! 8- 1901- CHAP. 947.-An Act To detach the counties of Linn and Chariton. in the State [ ‘ R‘ 86**] gi missouri, from the western and attach them to the eastern judicial district of said [Public, No. 92,] 8 0. Be it enacted by the Senate and IJ0a8e of Repv·esentat0}ves of the United mggggrgteiccuqrsl States ofiélmerrtca in Ocngress assembled, That the counties of Linn mcardnméii °”T’ and Chariton, in the State of Missouri, be detached from the western c0{;¥*,l*es°”;‘m€,’;,’;'*n_*gg and attached to the eastern judicial district of the State of Missouri: _ wk S 540 91 Prmzgded, That the courts of the said western district shall retain and - _;>}mj5;§F` ""exercise jurisdiction over all causes and proceedings, civil and crimi- ·'“"*"“°“°¤· nal, arising in or coming from said counties and begun and pending at the date of $518 taking edect of this Act as completely as if this Act · were not passe . Approved, April 8, 1904. Agn 8, 1*4- CHAP. 948.-An Act To amend section seventy-six of an Act entitled “An Act

 to provide a government for the Territory of Hawaii."

[Public, No. 1%.] Be it enacted bay the Senate and House ofRe£>resentat2?ves of the United §;,"g;m,,,t ,,,,_ States of America in Oongrese assembled, That section seventy-six of vokdsl. 1>· 155 an Act entitled "An Act to ppovide a government for the Territory of '""°° ° ° Hawaii," approved April t irtieth, nineteen hundred, be, and the · same is hereby, amended to read as follows: usgjpgrimgggggg 0* Sec. 76. That there shall be a superintendent of public instruction, P Duties, em.who shall have the powers and rform the duties conferred u n and _ . required of the minister of public? instruction by the laws of Hgiiaii as amended by the Act, and subject to modification by the legislature. Jggmgg mbz; "It shall be the duty of the United States Commissioner of Labor masse; every ave to collect, assort, arrange, and present in reports in nineteen hundred "°“”· and five, and every five years thereafter, statistical details relating to all departments of labor in the Territory of Hawaii, especially in relation to the commercial, industrial, social, educational, and sanitary condition of the laboring classcs,and to all such other subjects as Congress may mmmm ol m- by law direct. The said Commissioner is especial y charged to ascertain ‘QQ§""‘ °'“l"°’°°"· the highest, lowest, and average number of employees engaged in the various industries in the Territory, to be classified as to natryity, sex, hours of labor, and conditions of employment, and to report the same to Congress? Approved, April S, 1904. Alpril s, iso:. CHAP. 949.-An Act To provide for the withdrawal, free of duty under bond,·h·om i ·R· °°“·l the Louisiana Purchase Exposition of any articles and materials donated to incor-

 porated institutions establis edfor religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or

terary purposes, or to any State or municipal corporation. Be it enacted by t/oe Senate and House ofRe{n·e8e¢ztattvea oft/we United muiyipnn Pm·ch¤s<= States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the E’{}Z,°,§’,,.{§‘Z,’§;, of mm, Treasur be, and he is here y, authorized to permit, at the expiration j,§`§,gf§,_,si§§,°'lf°m'§,Q$f of the Ibouisiaua Purchase Exposition, the withdrawal, free of duty, com may ik with- by any State or munici lity or any incorporated institution esta - °““"‘ "°° °’°"“" lished for religious, phsaosophical, educational, scientific, or literarv urposes, of any articles an materials imported under bond for exhi- Cancellation or en- liition at said exposition and donated to any such institution; the try b°"d”' exhibition bonds given on original ent of the articles at Saint Louis, Missouri, to be canceled only on the lprddvuction of evidence satisfactory New mm w be to the Secretary of the Treasury. s owing the donation and the bona géeu.Bde acceptance of the articles and materia s. but bonds shall be given