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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/254

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166 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS Sess. ll. CHS. 1137,1138. 1904. , Ar>rir11.1904- CHAP. 1137.-An Act To revive and amendan Act entitled "An Act to authorize [S 2‘“’5·l the Montgomery and Autau% Bridge Company to construct a bridge across the Ala-· [Public, No. 96.] bama River near the city of ontgomery, Alabama/’ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat2}a:es of the United @Q;fg“‘g‘Q,§f§§f{ ,0, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act approved March m·i<1ei¤z.dby\L{:¤r— third, nineteen hundred and one, entitled "An Act to authorize the §'}{"d§'Q’ Egmmgym Montgomery and Autauga Bfldié Company to construct a bridge NQ,°,$°','jf’Yi,f“{,,8,, across the Alabama River near the city of Montgomery, Alabama," amended.'which Act has expired by limitation, be, and is hereby, PGV1V0d and mSmwmd-Th li f d A b d d t d nc. 2. at section ve o the said ct e amen e so as o rea as follows: s mgms 0* °°¤¤¤“°· -"Sec. 5. That all street railway companies desiring to use said bridge ' shall be allowed to do so upon paying a reasonable compensation for such use, and all telephone and telegraph companies shall be granted equal rights and privileges in the construction and operation of their lines across said bridge; and if actual construction of the bridge herein authorized shall not be commenced within one year and be completed within three years from March third, nineteen hundred and four, the rights and privileges hereby granted shall cease and be determined? Approved, April 11, 1904. April 11. 1904. GEL?. 1188.-An Act To authorize the construction of a bridgeacross the Misls- *12*] souri River between Wanbliska, in Burleigh County, and Morton County, in the Stats [Pub]jc‘ N0_ 97_1 of North Dakota. I W Be it enacted the Senate and House efRq2resen tatives oft/oe United Q$;¤:{$:k§¤VgHdgc States Qf.4:i.7Ilc‘7‘2C(t tn_ Congress (assembled, That, the lV3lll)llSl{2l Bridge ceiqpany-may-triage, Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws ot "°“""b ”k”* ”‘D"l" the State of North Dakota, be, and is hereby, authorized to construct . and maintain a brid e, and a proaches thereto, across the Missouri River between Wanbliska, in Durleigh County, in the State of North ,,,}§;g°“ '""‘ '°°‘ Dakota, and Morton County, in the State of North Dakota. Said bridge shall be constructed to provide for the passage of wagons and vehicles of all kinds, animals, and foot passengers for such reasonable mr. rates of toll and under such reasonable rules and regulations as mav be prescribed by said corporation and approved by the Secretary of \Var. _n¤é¤p;j¤§·;g¤;;¤¢¢¤~ Sec. 2. That any bridge built un er this Act and subject to its ` limitations shall be a lawful structure, and shall be recognized and known as a post route, upon which no higher charge shall be made for the transmission over the same of the mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States than the rate per mile id for the transportation over the railroad or public hi hway leadihg to said hg,;j_€¤*¤Ph; °*¤·· bridge. The United States shall also have the right to construct, without charge therefor, tele raph and telephone lines across and u n said bridge, and equal privdeges in the use of said bridge shallpobe Pummn md el granted to all telegraph and telephone companies. _ g Sec. 3. That said ridge shall be constructed as a pontoon bridge, alpd shall céongaip a drawspanhgivingha clear opening of not less than t ree un re eet in en , whic draws n shall be maintained over the main channel of thitriver at an accesslible and navigable point; and said bridge, other than the drawspan, shall be at right ang es to §'p'Q{f§g; dmw tlilelprirrent otdthe rrveri at high water: .P1-ended, That the sand draw s a e opene prompt y by said com ny u n the reasonable si nal ¤5¤*¤·¤¤¢- for the pusage of boats and rafts; arid saidpdbmpany or corporagtion shall maintain at its own expense, from sunset to sunrise, such lights or other signals on said bridge as the Light—House Board shall preg,§gg_“°”“°‘°° °"*· scribe. No brid e shall be erected or maintained under the authority of this Act which shall at any time unreasonably obstruct the free