FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 114]:-1143. 1904. 169 CHAP. 1 141.-—An Act To amend section eight of an Act approved April fifteenth, APYU IL 190*1 nineteen hundred and two, authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Mis- [S" 462°·l souri River at or near Parkville, Missouri. ‘ [Public, No. 100.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofReyoresentati·ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section eight of the Act Missouri Riverof Conlgress authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Mis- briihggixtiniigulgi souri iver at or near Parkville, Missouri, approved April fifteenth, g{{}}N{,{§$,“,ff,°“(tf,’,;{{ nineteen hundred and two, shall be amended so as to read as follows: ggrrr. M P5¤‘l¤‘ill¤,. “S1.¤:c. 8. That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction $*01, 32, P, 104, _ of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced by April dfteenth, *‘§§,{‘f,;§'§0nS,mc,,0n iliineseep hundred arrd five, and completed by April fifteenth, nineteen ' un re an seven. · Approved, April 11, 1904. - CHAP. 1 142.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to amend an Act author- April 11, 1904. izinig the construction of a railway, street railway, motor, wagon, and pedestrian [S· 4837-] bri ge over the Missouri River, near Council Bluds, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebraska, [pubuc,NO_101_] approved February thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one," and Acts amendatory thereof, so as to extend the time for completion of said bridge until January first, nineteen hundred and tive. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled "An Act mwuri Riggto amendan Act authorizin the construction of a railway, street rail- bnagxilgixigu dilmiii way, motor, wagon, and pedestrian brid e over the Missouri River _ near Council Bluifs, Iowa, and Omaha, ribraska, approved February 1··>¤¤§1·>¤- ` thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and amended by an Act i/rgif gif gills, approved January twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, an by an Act approved April twenty-tirst, eighteen hundred and V<>1.30. p.=w¤ ninety-eight, and to authorize the Omaha Bridge and Terminal Railway Company, successor to the Interstate Bridge and Street Railway Company, to complete, reconstruct, and change a bridge for railway, street railway, ve icle, pedestrian, and other highway pprposcs over the Missouri River near Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Oma , ebraska," . approved May twenty-third, nineteen hundred and two, is hereby Vplé 542. p. 207. amended so that the time within which said bridge shall be com- ‘”"°" ° ‘ pleted shall be extended to the first day of January_, nineteen hundred and live; the said Act in all other respects to remain in full forcc and efiect. Approved, April 11, 1904. CHAP. 1 143.-An Act To authorize W. Denny and Company to bridge Dog River, April 11, 190}. in the State of Mississippi. lH· R‘1*m6‘l ". N n. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢{,7°‘R?7'686ll¢dlZ;U68 of the United lpublic ( ml States of Amerzea in Obngress assembled, That Denny and Com- Rogoggwhggsgbm pon ·, s corporation duly incorporated and organized under the laws ,,,m,·m,,,-l,,mg,,_ ` of the State of Mississippi, its successors or assigns, be, and is hereby, · authorized to construct and maintain a railroad bridge, with single or double track and apmioaches thereto, over and across the Dog River, L,,cm.,u_ in Jackson County., 1 ississippi. at or near a point on said river one thousand five hundred feet west of the line dividing sections nineteen and twenty in township seven south, range live west, there being a straight stretch or continuance of said river for one—half mile or more above and below said point without curve or turn, sub]ect to the conditions and limitations hereinafter specified.
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