FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 1399,1400. 1904. 187 uired for the urpose now authorized they shall be returned and dzlivered to the [Fnited States at such point as the Secretary of War may designate, and the care of said guns and carriages shall be at the expense of the city of Boston while in the possession of said city for the park purposes hereinbefore set forth. Approved, April 20, 1904. GEL!. 1400.-An Act Conierring jurisdiction upon United States A ril w, 1904. over offenses committed in a portion of the permanent Hot Springs Mountain Reser- [E- R- mm-] V¤¤0¤» A1‘¥l¤¤•¤- ;rub11¤,1<s.124.] Be it evuwted Ute Senate and House of{1_Bl¢?2resentat2}vea of the United - States ofzlmenca m Congress assembled, at the portion of the Hot HM Spence Moun- Springs Mountain Reservation in the State of Arkansas situated and °°g{,§i$°.r°[,°i°`j°.i°;i."i;r;].$L lying within boundaries defined as follows, "commencing at stone Ego'; '{gQ,’“*”“”'“'· monument numbered seven, set upon the west line of Reserve avenue WI 19; p· 377- and marking the boundary line of Hot Springs Mountain, and running thence in a northwesterly direction to a point u n the south line of Fountain street to a stone monument numbered idorty-two and markin the boundary line of Hot Springs Mountain; thence. along the south line of Fountain street to ICB intersection with Central avenue or to stone monument numbered thirty-three; thence south along the east line of Central avenue to where the same is intersected by Reserve avenue at stone monument numbered thirty; thence along the north boundary line of Reserve avenue to stone monument numbered seven, the point of commencement; all in townshi two south, range nineteen west, in the wm? of Garland-and State oi) Arkansas, being a part of the permanent nited States Hot Springs Reservation, sole and exclusive jurisdiction over which was ceded to the United States by an act of the general assembly of the State of Arkansas, entitled "An act ceding jurisdiction to the United States over a part of the Hot Springs Mountain Reservation," approved February twenty-first, nineteen hundred and three, which cession is hereby accepted, or within such boundaries as may be defined hereafter, shall be under the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, and all laws applicable to places under such sole and exclusive jurisdiction shall have full force and effect therein: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be so con- mmiifhll of M_ strued as to forbid the service within said boundaries of any civil or umm mum. criminal process of any court having jurisdiction in the State of Arkansas; that all fuigitives from justice taking refuge within said boundaries shall, on ue application to the executive of said State, whose warrant may lawfully run within said territory for said purpose, be subject to the laws which apply to fugitives from justice ound in the State of Arkansas: And promded further, That this Act shall not T=·==¤¤¤=¤· be so construed as to interfere with the right to tax all structures and other property in private ownership within the boundaries above described, accorded to the State of Ar ansas by section five of the Act of Con ress approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninetyione, "<>*-‘=•5· v-M4 entitle<I"An Act to regulate the 'granting of leases at Hot Springs. Arkansas, and for other purposes.” Sno, 2. That said above-dcscribedxportion of said reservation shall Tcbepancrmran; constitute a rt of the eastern Lnited States judicial district of §“,§,,§if""“ ’““‘°"‘ Arkansas, andxtbe district and circuit courts of the United States in and for said district shall have jurisdiction of all odenses committed within said boundaries. _ _ _ _ Sec. 3. That any person who shall, within the smd above-mentioned mggogegviou m pms tract, commit any damage, intjury, or spoliation to or upon any_bu11d- ·‘ ’ ing fence, hedge, gate, gui epost, tree. wood, underwood. timber.