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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/289

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r1FTY-E1oHTH coxcmzss. sm. 11. cH. 1402. 1904. 201 expend said interest for the support, education, and civilization of said Indians; For interest on seventy-eight thousand three hundred and fortv dol- tP“’°h°“ °‘ “°°k· lars and forty-one cents, at five per centum per annum, to be expended 8 iioi. 16, p. ass. under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for the erection of houses, improvement of their allotments of land, purchase of stock, agricultural imlplements, seeds, and other beneficial objects, three thousand nine hun red and seventeen dollars_ and two cents; in all, forty- four thousand one hundred and sixty-two dollars and forty-seven cents. · That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed, t P°;‘;1P*°¤P¤Ym°¤*¤ under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, to pay per capita 0 ee n mm` to the followin Indian tribes, all funds now to their credit in the United States Preasury or such part of such funds as he may deem necessary for their best interests and any other funds that may hereafter be received for their credit: Provided, That he may retain a fggfggsiion ,0, sufficient amount of their trust funds, which at the present rate of schools, etc. interest, will yield sufficient income for the support of their schools and for pay of employees: Provided, further, That the shares of minors 9,§h*{f,¤ bff {330*:; _ shall remain in the Treasury until they become of age and the shares paiéms, em. P of incompetents also be retained in the Treasury and the interest of such shares may, in thediscretion of the Secretary of the Interior, be paid to the parents or legally appointed guardians of such minors and mcompetents under suc re ulations as he may rescribe, namely, N*”“°" °“’“’°“· L’Anse and Vieux de Sert Cldippewas, Michigan; Cmahas, Nebraska; Otoe and Missouria, Oklahoma; Stockbridge and Munsee, Wisconsin; Tonkawas, Oklahoma; Umatillas, Oregon; the Iowa Indians, and the Sac and Fox Indians of Missouri, of the Pottawatomie and Great N emaha Agency in the State of Kansas. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized é_Si§g‘;‘ “‘F'““‘“°““· and directed under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, to P¤wi¤¤¤¤¤>· gy to the Sioux Indians residing at F landreau, in the State of South akota, the share of said Indians in the principal permanent fund appropriated and placed in the Treasury of the United States to the _ credit of the Sioux Nation of Indians by the seventeenth section of the WL 2* p` 895* Act of Congress approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty- nine (Statutes at Lar e, volume twenty-five, page eight hundred and _ ninety-five): Proridezi That the Secretary of the Interior may withhold 5Q°.$§,,,,, my bt, any of the payments herein provided for if in his judgment it would Withheldbe to the best interest of the member entitled to said payment to do so. V _ That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed ,,,:;§‘}l]ff{),,f""l "°"' to cause to be paid to the rsons hereinafter named, formerly mem- mégggénég *0 f¢>¤¤¤* bers by adoption, of the ldichita and affiliated bands of Indians, now ` citizens of the United States, that is to sa *, to lVilliam M. Hazlett, Nora G. Hazlett, Joe Weller, Charles S. lhilliams, Fred Exendine, Earl Purdy, Grimes Atkin, Clav J. Bronson, Bella K. Bronson, Francis E. Cross, James Deer, Jennie Deer, John D. Downing, Margaret · L. Downin , Bela Ellis, Mary Perdier Gray, Charles Inkanish, James Inkanish, Igenrv Inkanish, Ellen E..King, Louisa P. Medrano, John Osborne, Alice Osborne, E. B. Parrish, Nancy Parrish, Mary N. Purdy, Vernon Purdy, H. P. Pruner, Lucy J. Pruner, Charles B. Pruner, Frank Purdy, Bill Perdier, Sallie Perdier, J essee Strum, Mattie Strum, Oscar Tobanaka, Homer J. Se er, Katie Strum Thomas, Jessee iVilliams, Willie “'eller, Cora C. ldest, Benjamin Montello, Alice Inkanish Cussen, their er capita share of the funds derived from the sale or disposition of lands made in pursuance of the decree of the Court of Claims in the case of The Choctaw Nation and The Chickasaw Nation versus The United States and The lVichita and Affiliated Bands of Indians, being numbered eighteen thousand nine hundred and thirty- two, which has accrued up to and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and three, except the fund which has accrued from ,u§1f,*}°°l l¤¤d· °“>· the disposition of land reserved for the use of schools. colleges. and