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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/358

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270 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1485. 1904. o. ”°”“· °‘°· Houses ron osvnuer, Am‘1LLm1zY, Arm nnemnnns: For the purchase of horses for the cavalry, artillery, and engineers, and for the Indian scouts, and for such infantry and members of the Hospital Corps in field campaigns as may be required to be mounted, an _ the expenses

 incident thereto, four hundred thousand dollars: Promded, That the

number of horses purchased under this appropriation, added to the IlllH1b€1' now on hand, shall be limited to the actual needs of the mounted service, and, unless otherwise ordered by the Secretary of War, no part of this appropriationtspall ble lpaid out (fdr holpsea not purchased by contrac a ter com i ion u invite 1y the uartermaster s Depggtmeniz and an ingdection under the direction and authority of the creta of War. t€£rm°]F' °°d qu""` BARRACKSYAND QUARTERS: For barracks and quarters for troops, storehouses for the safekeepinglof military stores. for offices, recruiting stations, napd for the hire of builgings andgrounds for sumner cap- · ‘ tonments, a for tem tary ui in at ontier stations, or the construction of temporlry buildings fn} stables, and for repairin . public buildings at established posts, including the extra-duty pay 0T {,`{,°,'§f,‘{}·,,,,,,,,, 0; enlisted men employed on the same: Bwvded, That no part of the ML ew- · moneys so arépropmated shall be paid for commutation of fuel or for °i'm•¤ ¤¤¤P1¤>’¤<=¤- quarters to officers or enlisted men: Pr0ve2led_fi¢¢·t/ner, That the num- Ber of and total sum for civigap emplriyees indthe Quartermaster’s epartment, includin ose pai rom the fun s appropriated for regular supplies, incglental expenses, barracks and Ihlizaiiters, army transportation, clothing, camp and garrison equipage, shall be limited to the actual requirements of the service, and that no employee paid therefrom shall receive a salary of more than one hundred and hfty dollars per month, except upon the approval of the Secretary of War, four mi lion seven hundred and fifty tiiiousand dollars. P°"°*°"'“‘°* Mrnrrspr POST mxornnpnz Foglcontiméing the conptruction, equipi ment, an maintenance 0 suita e bui in s at mi itar sts an stations for the conduct of the post exchange? school, libiabiyixiending, lunch, amusement rooms, and gymnasium, to be ex nded in the discretion and under the direction of the Secretary of War, five hundred .¤>m-ew. thousand dollars: Provided, That not more than forty thousand dollars L“"“· of the above appropriation shall be expended at any one t or station. rniippsne mann!. BARRACKS AND qunrrnks, P1-nurrium Isnnmsz (ldiistinuing the B"" “‘*"·°“" wxirk og providing for the pgopexisheltgrsand piioteptipn of céfiicers and en iste meno theArmy 0 the 'nite tates aw ul y on uty in the Philippine Islands, including the acquisition of title to building sites when necessary, and including also shelter for the animals and supplies. and all other buildings necessary for t administration purpoiips, three hundred and sixty-five thousand hi: hundred and ninety c dollars. T"‘“"¥"""“*"”· 'fnausronrsrrou or THE ARMY AND ITS SUPPLIES! Transportation of the Army, includin baggage of the troops when moving either by land or water, and imguding also the transportation of recruits and recruiting parties heretofore paid from the appropriation for “Expenses of recruiting;" of supplies to the militia furnished by the War Department; of the necessary aglents and employees; of clothing, cam and ‘ garrison cquipage, and other quartermaster stores, from army dhpots or (ppices cg] purshase or dpllivpry to the Tversillposts and army depots, an rom ose e ts to e roo in the lie ; of horse e ui ments and subsistence stoligs from the plabis of purchase, and from cihepplaces of delivery under contract to such places as the circumstances of the service may require them to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms from the foundries and armories to the arsenals, fortifications. frontier posts, and army depots: freights, wharfage, tolls, and ferriages; the purchase and hire of draft and pack animals and harness and the purchase and repair of wagons, carts, and drays, and of ships