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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/366

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278 FIF’I`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. S1·:ss. II. Ch. 1486. 1904, dollars; five skilled mechanics, at one thousand dollars each, five thousand dollars; one engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; one captain of the watch, one thousand dollars; one batteryman, eight hundred and forty dollars; six skilled artisans, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, five thousand and forty dollars; five messengers or laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars; three firemen, at seven hundred and twenty dol~ lars each, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; three watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; six messengers or laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each, three thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars; thirteen messengers, messenger boys, or laborers, at six hundred dollars each, seven thousand eight hundred dollars; four messengers, messenger boys, or laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each, one thousand nine hundred and twent dollars; five messengers, messenger boys or laborers; at four hundred and fifty dollars each, two thousand two hundred and iift dollars; one charwoman, three hundred and sixty dollars; three cliarwomen, at two hundred and forty dollars each, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, one hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and forty dollars. F¤¤1·¤s¤¢¤»¤¢¤- FUEL, mcirrs, AND REPAIRS, WEATHER BUREAU: For fuel, lights, . repairs, and other expenses for the care and preservation of the ublic buildings and groun s of the Weather Bureau in the city of l)Vash— ington, eight thousand dollars. °¤¤**¤¤°¤*°XP°¤¤°S- CONTINGENT nxmmsns, WEATHER BUREAU: For stationery, blank books, necessary scientiiic and other publications; furniture and repairs to same; freight and express char es; subsistence, care, and purchase of horses for official purposes onIy; repairs of harness; advertising, dry goods, twine, mats, oils, paints, glass, lumber, hardware, ice, washing towels, and other miscellaneous supplies and expenses not otherwise provided for and necessary for the ractical and efficient gvqgk of the Weather Bureau in the city of Washington, ten thousand ‘ dollars. wonggals outside or SALARIES, WEATIIER BmmAU: Outside of the city of Washington: ” ”gt°°` Professors of Meteorology, inspectors, district forecasters, local forecasters, section directors, observers, assistant observers, operators, repairmen, station agents, messengers, messenger boys, laborers, and ot er necessar employees, for duty in the United States, in the `West Indies or on adiacent coasts, in the Hawaiian Islands, and in Bermuda, who, without additional expense to the Government, may hereafter, ¤·~*==~‘·~··* ¤*>¤¤¤¤¤· in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, be granted leaves of absence not to exceed thirtv davs in an r one year, four hundred and `ninety-two thousand three hundred dollars. mj·;€g}u<;;g¤*¤¤· GENERAIA nxrnxsns, WVEATHER BUREAU! Every expenditure requi- 'site for and incident to the establishment, equipment, and maintenance of meteorological observation stations in the United States, in the l»Vest Indies or on adjacent coasts. in the Hawaiian Islands, and in Ber— muda, including the purchase of scientific and other publications, stationery, furniture, instruments, storm-warning towers, and all other necessary supplies and materials; for rents of offices; for traveling expenses; for freight and exlpress charges; for telegraphing. teleggoning, or cabling reports an messages, rates to be fixed bv the cretary of Agriculture by agreement with the companies performincr the service; for maintenance and repair of seacoast telegraph, telephonei and cable lines; for investigations on climatology; for experiments iii wireless telegraphy: for river observations and reports; for rain observations and reports; for snow observations and reports: for ice observations and reports; for crop observations and reports; for aerial observations and reports: for storm and other warnings and reports: for hurricane observations and reports. including pay of