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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/368

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280 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1-186. 1904. thousand six hundred dollars; seven clerks class two, nine thousand eight hundred dollars; live clerks class one, six thousand dollars; seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each, seven thousand dollars; two clerks, at nine hundred dollars each, one thousand eight hundred dollars; seven clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, five thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars; two firemen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; Messengers, etc. four messengers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars; two skilled laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each, one thousand three hundred and twent * dollars; one illustrator, one thousand four hundred dollars; in alh eighty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. Ge¤e¤+1¤¤r¢¤¤¢¤- GENERAL EXPENSES, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY: For carrying V012S, r- 31- out the provisions of the Act approved May twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, establishing the Bureau of Animal Industry, "°‘· "- P- *1*- and the Act approved August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, providing for an ins ction of meats and animals, and the provisions V0!-26.r-1081 of the Act approvedw March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, Inspection of live providing for the inspection of live cattle hogs, and the carcasses and °“m°’ °°°‘ products thereof which are the subjects of interstate and foreign comhumentogexpon merce, and for other punposes, and to prescribe rules and regulations

    • %,*};-2,, p_ .,31 for the safe transtport an humane treatment of export cattle from the

’ United States to oreign countries, and the amendatory Act approved 1 March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-Eve, roviding for the inspection of live cattle, hogs, and the carcasses and) products thereof which are the subjects of interstate and foreign commerce, and for · Suvpressius dis- other urposes, and also the provisions of the Act a proved February ` 3e_ p_ 79;, second: nineteen hundred and three, to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to more effectually suppress and prevent the spread of conta- 'ous and infectious diseases of live stock, and for other purposes: Q';?§‘§,'f,’;M_ llrovided, That live horses be entitled to the same inspection as other

 i¤¤1>¤·=¤¤¤ animals herein named: Prqm]ded fw-ther, That the Secretary of Agri-

°° culture may in his discretion waive the requirement of a certificate with beef and other products, which are exported to countries that do not require such insgction, one million two hundred and fifty Prevenrigldieecses thousand dollars; and thecretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized "°°°" "` ”` to use any part of this sum he may deem necessary or expedient, in such manner as he may think best, in the collection of information concerning live stock, dairy and other animal products, and to prevent the sprea of tpleuiopneumonia, blackleg, tuberculosis, sheep scab, glanders or arcy, og cholera, and other diseases of animals, and for this purpose to employ as many persons in the city of d,$m,¤;%,mgE;·» <·f \Vashington or elsewhere as he may deem necessary, and to expend " any part of this sum in the purc ase and destruction of diseased or exposed animals and the quarantine of the same whenever in his judgment it is essential to prevent the spread of pleuro-pneumonia, tuberculosis, or other diseases of animals from one State to another; mf-ilrrgtgjilrreggg gse- for improving and maintaining the Bureau Experiment Station at · cximmaiiemiaoim. Bethesda, Maryland; to establish, improve, and maintain uarantine stations, and to provide proper shelter and equi ment for tlxe care of neat cattle, domestic and other animals imported) at such ports as may R<-v¤r¤- be deemed necessary; for printing and publishing such reports relatm{;¤;;g¤¤d`¤;:_=k¤¤f¤r ing to animal industry as e may direct; and the Secretary of Agri- 'cu ture may use so much of this sum as he deems necessary for promotinglthe extension and develo ment of foreign markets for dairy and other farm products of the Ilhited States, and for suitable trans- ` portation of the 5B1I1B; and such products mav be bought in open market and disposed of at the discretion of the `Secretarylof Agriculture. and he is authorized to apply the moneys received from the sales of such products toward the continuation and repetition of such experi-