FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 1486, 1487. 1904. 295 agreed upon, and all necessary expenses, sixty-seven thousand five hundred ollars. Puamo norm mqnimnsz To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to P“'°“°’°“"°· make ingpiries in regard to the systems of road management throughout the nited States; to make investigations in regard to the best methods of road making, and the best kinds of road-makin materials m the several States; to conduct experiments; for the empIoyment of local and special agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in the city of Washington and elsewhere; for collating, digestin , reporting, and illustrating the results of such investigations and e riments; for preparing, publishing, and distributing bulletins arid)`! reports; for necessary office fixtures and supplies, ap aratus, and materials; telegraph and telephone service, travelin , andp other necessary expenses, an to enable im to assist the agricudtural colleges and experiment stations in disseminating information on this subject, thirty-tive thousand dollars. Total for Department of Agriculture, ive million nine hundred and two thousand and forty dollars. Approved, April 23, 1904. CHAP. 148 .—An Act Permi "n h build' a across thissi i A ¤'ll%·19M- Biver between die counties of Ste::1?nsgahdGBenm11i:d:1)fthe(SllIai1te of pp [E' R' IME'] rutile. xo. 151. Be it enacted by the Senate¢md110uee0fRep1•esentat2}ves of the United [ l States of rimeriea ein Cbngrese assembled, That the consent of Congress Avggflfidpvigjlivggw is hereby granted to the Watab Rapids Power Company, a Minnesota ercoppnilhsgnml corporation, its successors or assigns, to construct and maintain across *",§§§$,‘;"· the Mississippi River a dam and works neeewary incident thereto for water power and supply purposes at any point not less than four hundred feet above the mout of Watab River, between section twenty- one, in township one hundred and twenty-five north, range twenty- eight_ west., -in Stearns County. and section nine, i n township thirty-six north., range thirty one west, in Benton County, Minnesota, which may be approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War: Pmridezl, That the plans for the construction of said dam and appur- §fg;jg:j;_ 0m." w tenant works shall be submitted to and approved by the Chief of uppml-.· phinaetc. Engineers and the Secretary of War before the commencement of the construction of the same: And ]n·0z•z'dedfurth4·v·, That the aforesaid *"**"¤*‘» W`atab Rapids Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall not deviate from such plans after such approval, neither before nor after the completion of said structures, unless the modification of said plans has been reviously submitted to and received the approval o the Chief of Erhgineers and the Secretary of War: And prm:wIdedfurt}ae1·, That there shall be placed and maintained in connection with said dam S“‘*°*‘“Y"· a sluiceway so arranged as to permit logs, timber, and lumber to pass around, through. or over said dam without unreasonable delay or indrance and without toll or charges: Andprovz'dt·dfzzrt}zez·, That the ‘·"""· dam shall be so constructed that the Government of the United States may at any time construct in connection therewith a suitable lock for navigation purposes, and may at any time, without compensation, control the said dam so far as shall be necessary for purposes of navigation, but shall not destroy the water power developed by said dam and structures to any greater extent than may be neccssar to provide proper facilities for navigation. and that the Secretary of {Var may at any time re uire and enforce, at the expense of the owners, such modifications and changes in the construction of said dam as he may deem advisable in the interests of navigation.
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