double the amount of money which will probably come into his hands at any time during his term of office, with two or more sureties, the amount and sufficiency of the bond to be approved by the commissioner of the precinct, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, which bond shall be by him forthwith filed in the office of the commissioner and ex officio recorder. The approval of such bond shall be indorsed thereon by the commissioner.
duties of road overseer.
The duties of road overseer shall be such as may be prescribed by law.
Accounts. Each road overseer shall keep an accurate account of all money received by virtue of his office and the manner in which the same has been disbursed, and to whom, and shall, on the last Saturday of March in each year, exhibit such account, together with his vouchers, to the commissioner for adjustment and. settlement. Such account shall be in writing, verified by affidavit of the overseer that the same is in all respects a full and true account of all money received by him during the full term for which he should make settlement and the amounts expended and the manner in which they were expended.
Refusal to serve. If any person appointed to the office of road overseer, unless unable from disease or other infirmity to discharge the duties of such office, shall refuse or neglect to serve therein, he shall be Penalty. liable to a fine of twenty-five dollars; but no person so appointed who shall have served for a term next preceding such appointment shall be liable to such fine for refusing to serve if he shall have given notice in Notice of refusal. writing of refusal to the commissioner within twenty days after having been notified of his appointment.
Refusal to deliver funds, records, etc. Every road overseer who shall, after the expiration of his term of office, neglect or refuse to deliver on demand to his successor in office, after such successor shall have been duly qualified according to law, all moneys, records, books, papers, or other property appertaining to such office shall be Penalty. liable to a fine of not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars.
Two days' work on roads, etc., required of male residents. Road overseers of the different precincts are authorized, and it is made their duty, to warn out all male persons between eighteen and fifty years of age who have resided thirty days in the district of Alaska, who are capable of performing labor on roads or trails, and who are not a precinct charge, to perform two days' work of eight hours each in locating, constructing, or repairing public roads or trails, under the direction of the road overseer within whose precinct they may respectively reside, or Substitute. furnish a substitute to do the same, orPayment in lieu of labor. pay the sum of four dollars per day for two days' labor, and said road overseer shall receipt for the same and shall expend it in location, construction, or repairs on the public roads and trails within his precinct; and any moneys so received and not expended shall be paid over to his successor in office, who shall expend the same as above provided.
Notice. The overseer of roads and trails in each precinct shall give notice to persons residing in his precinct liable to or charged with a road or trail tax of the time and place and the kind of work expected to be performed on the road or trail, and may direct what implements such persons shall bring with which to perform such work.
Failure to work on account of sickness, etc.
Whenever it shall happen, in consequence of sickness or absence from home, or any other cause, that the two days' work aforesaid shall not be performed within the time specified in this Act, the overseer shall be authorized to require the performance of such work at any time prior to the first day of October then next ensuing; and in case any person shalt neglect or refuse to do the two days' work, or furnish a substitute, or pay in money the price of two days' labor, as provided