Suppressing counterfeiting, etc., crimes. Suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes: To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation for "Suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, fifty dollars.
Quarantine service. Quarantine service: For necessary repairs to floating property of the quarantine service, nine thousand five hundred dollars.
Collecting customs revenue.
Collecting the revenue from customs: To defray the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs, being additional to the permanent appropriation for this purpose, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, one hundred thousand dollars, and the provisions
Detection of frauds, etc.
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of the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine (Twentieth Statutes, page three hundred and eighty-six),
Annual appropriation increased.
the Secretary of the Treasury to expend out of the appropriation for defraying the expenses of collecting the revenues from customs such amount as he may deem necessary, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars per annum, for the detection and prevention of frauds upon the customs revenue, are hereby amended so as to increase the amount to be so expended for the year nineteen hundred and four, and yearly thereafter, to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
Fees and expenses. For fees and expenses, including remuneration for Special Assistant Attorney-General, in the investigation and prosecution of certain frauds upon the customs service, the same to continue available until the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, thirty thousand dollars.
Compensation in lieu of moieties. Compensation in lieu of moieties: For compensation in lieu of moieties in certain cases under the customs revenue laws, ten thousand dollars.
Edward King.
Refund to.
Refund to Edward King: To refund to Edward King duties
erroneously collected on stolen animals and covered into the Treasury of the United States, ninety dollars.
Henry Benson.
Payment to heirs of.
Payment to heirs of Henry Benson, deceased: To pay to
the heirs of Henry Benson, deceased, the amount of unclaimed wages, and so forth, due said Benson under employment of the United States Government on the steamship The City of Everett at the time of his death, and which sum has since been covered into the Treasury, two hundred dollars and thirty-six cents.
Engraving and Printing Bureau.
bureau of engraving and printing.
Transfer of balances. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the unexpended balance now to the credit of the appropriation for materials and miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, nineteen hundred and four, thirty-six thousand dollars, as follows: To the appropriation for compensation of employees, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, nineteen hundred and four, six thousand dollars; and to the appropriation for plate printing, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, nineteen hundred and four, thirty thousand dollars; and to use the sums so transferred as though they had been originally appropriated for the purposes of said appropriations for compensation of employees, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, nineteen hundred and four, and plate printing, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, nineteen hundred and four.
Revenue-Cutter Service.
revenue-cutter service.
To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Expenses of Revenue-Cutter Service," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, thirteen thousand six hundred and forty-three dollars and thirty-six cents.