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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/491

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Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, five thousand dollars.

Togus, Me. Eastern Branch at Togus, Maine: For household, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, two thousand dollars.

Hampton, Va. Southern Branch at Hampton, Virginia: For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, three thousand five hundred dollars.

Navy Department.


Funeral expenses, explosion on.
To pay for the funeral expenses, including the disinterment, proper care, preparation, and transportation to their homes of the remains of the officers and men who died as the result of the recent explosion on the United States steamship Missouri, to be expended at the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, ten thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses. For stationery, furniture, newspapers, plans, drawings, drawing materials, horses and wagons to be used only for official purposes, freight, expressage, postage, and other absolutely necessary expenses of the Navy Department and its various bureaus and offices, two thousand dollars.

Naval Academy.
Additional land.
For the purpose of purchasing the remainder in fee in and to the land now held and occupied by lease by the United States Government across the Severn River from the Naval Academy, at Annapolis, to be used for naval purposes, three thousand and fifty dollars.

Transportation. The accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to allow, in the settlement of the accounts of disbursing officers of the Navy, all vouchers covering payments for Purchase of mileage books, etc., permitted. mileage books, commutation tickets, and other similar transportation tickets heretofore purchased by the Navy Department and furnished to officers and civilian inspectors traveling under orders from the Department. And the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to continue to purchase such mileage books, commutation tickets, and other similar transportation tickets as may in his discretion seem necessary, and to furnish same to officers and others ordered to perform travel on official business; and payment for such transportation tickets upon their receipt, in accordance with commercial usage, or prior to the actual performance of the travel involved, shall not be regarded as an advance of public money within the meaning of section R. S., sec. 3648, p. 718. thirty-six hundred and forty-eight of the Revised Statutes. Naval records.
Transfer of all, to Navy Department.
All naval records, such as muster and pay rolls, orders, and reports relating to the personnel and operations of the Navy of the United States, from the beginning of the Navy Department to the war of the rebellion, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, including operations against the French navy, Tripolitan war, war of eighteen hundred and twelve, operations against pirates in the West Indies, Florida war, and the war with Mexico now in any of the Executive Departments, shall be transferred to the Secretary of the Navy, to be preserved.

Naval Establishment.


General account of advances.
Vol. 20, p. 167.

General account of advances: To reimburse "General account of advances," created by the Act of June nineteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, for amounts advanced therefrom and expended on account of the several appropriations named in excess of the sums appropriated therefor for the fiscal year given, found to be due the "general account" on adjustment by the accounting officers, there is appropriated as follows: