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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/495

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Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Fuel. Fuel: To pay accounts on file for fuel, Marine Corps, fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, seven thousand and forty-eight dollars and sixty-two cents.

Military stores. Military stores: To reimburse current appropriations ordnance stores, ammunition and ordnance stores, equipment, Ordnance Department, United States Army, for ordnance stores and ammunition furnished the Marine Corps in the Philippines for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand and seventy-four dollars and fifty cents.

Transportation and Recruiting. Transportation and recruiting: For transportation and recruiting for the Marine Corps, including all objects mentioned under this title of appropriation in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, twenty thousand dollars.

To pay accounts on file for transportation of enlisted men, Marine Corps,. fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollars and thirty-eight cents.

Repairs to barracks. Repairs of barracks: To reimburse Quartermaster's Department, United States Army, for lumber furnished the Marine Corps at Guam, fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, one thousand and fifty dollars.

Forage: To reimburse Quartermaster's Department, United States Army, for forage furnished the Marine Corps in the Philippines and Guam, fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, two thousand six hundred and twenty-nine dollars and three cents.

Contingent. Contingent: For contingent expenses of the Marine Corps, including all objects mentioned under this title of appropriation in the naval appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, fifteen thousand dollars.

Reimbursing Army. To reimburse Quartermaster's Department, United States Army, for miscellaneous supplies furnished the Marine Corps at Guam, fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, four thousand two hundred and seven dollars and eighty-three cents.

To pay account on file for freight charges, Marine Corps, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, sixty cents.

Naval Academy barracks. Barracks and quarters: For the installation of water supply for fire purposes and flushing system, Marine Barracks, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, five thousand dollars.

Credit in accounts. The Auditor for the Navy Department be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to credit in the accounts of the quartermaster, United States Marine Corps, for the first quarter, nineteen hundred and two, under appropriation contingent, Marine Corps, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, voucher numbered five hundred and forty, and under appropriation military stores, Marine Corps, nineteen hundred and one, voucher numbered two hundred and fifty-two, first quarter, nineteen hundred and two: Provided, Proviso.
Fuel to clerks, etc.
That the quartermaster of the Marine Corps be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to pay from appropriations fuel, Marine Corps, to enlisted men of the Marine Corps employed as clerks and messengers in the office of the commandant and in the offices of the staff officers of the Marine Corps commutation of fuel, at nine dollars each per month for clerks and eight dollars each per month for messengers, from and after January twenty-second, nineteen hundred and four, when, by a decision of the Comptroller of the Treasury, enlisted men so employed were denied the right to said commutation in said amounts.

Public works.

public works.

League Island, Pa.

Navy-yard, League Island, Pennsylvania: For fittings and modifications, dry dock and its pumping plant, forty thousand dollars.