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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/497

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Steel boilers, Senate.
Credit in accounts of George W. Evans, for.
For the Capitol: The accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and directed to credit the account of George W. Evans, disbursing clerk, Department of the Interior, for certain payments made in the quarter ended December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and three, under the appropriation for "Capitol Building and repairs, nineteen hundred and three and nineteen hundred and four," amounting to twelve thousand five hundred and nine dollars and nine cents, being the amount paid by him in good faith on vouchers properly approved by the Superintendent of the Capitol Buildings and Grounds for steel boilers for the United States Senate and for services of a consulting engineer in connection with the erection of the same.

Rollers, etc.
Vol. 31, pp. 121, 997.
Maps of the United States: For rollers and other material, and for labor required for mounting maps of the United States, ordered for the use of Congress by the Acts of April seventeenth, nineteen hundred; March third, Vol. 32, p. 158. nineteen hundred and one, and April twenty-eighth, Post, p. 1234. nineteen hundred and two, respectively, eight thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars, to be expended under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior, who is hereby directed to have said maps attached to rollers before delivery.

Hot Springs, Ark.
Electric pump.
HOT SPRINGS RESERVATION, ARKANSAS: For the purchase of an electric motor, with rotary pump, for pumping hot water for the free bath house on the Hot Springs Reservation, for the construction of wooden lockers, and the purchase of office and bathroom furniture necessary for the running of the free bath house on the Hot Springs Reservation, one thousand five hundred and fifty dollars.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company.
REPAIRS TO NATURAL BRIDGE, ARIZONA: To reimburse the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company for expenses incurred by said corporation in the making of permanent repairs to what is known as the Natural Bridge, in the Petrified Forest, in the Territory of Arizona, four hundred and sixty-four dollars and twenty-six cents.

Patent Office.

patent office.

International Industrial Association.
Delegate's expenses.
For the expenses of a delegate to represent the United States Patent Office at the meetings of the International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property, to be held at Berlin, Germany, in May, and at Berne, Switzerland, in August, nineteen hundred and four, one thousand two hundred dollars.

Official Gazette. For producing the Official Gazette, including weekly, monthly, bimonthly, and annual indexes therefor, exclusive of expired patents, eighty thousand dollars.

Copies of drawings, etc. For producing copies of drawings of the weekly issues of patents; for producing copies of designs, trade-marks, and pending applications; and for the reproduction of exhausted copies of drawings and specifications; said work referred to in this and the preceding paragraph to be done as provided by the Vol. 28, p. 620. "Act providing for the public printing and binding and for the distribution of public documents:" Provided, Proviso.
Work at Government Printing Office.
That the entire work may be done at the Government Printing Office if, in the judgment of the Joint Committee on Printing, or if there shall be no Joint Committee, in the judgment of the Committee on Printing of either House, it shall be deemed to be for the best interests of the Government, thirty thousand dollars.

Government Hospital for Insane.

government hospital for insane.

Expenses. For current expenses of the Government Hospital for the Insane: For support, clothing, and treatment in the Government Hospital for the Insane of the insane from the Army and Navy, Marine Corps, Revenue-Cutter Service, inmates of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, persons charged with or convicted of crimes against the United States who are insane, all persons who have become