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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/507

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 1630. 1904. 419

John F. Hayes.
Payment to.
To pay John F. Hayes, for services in reporting and transcribing testimony taken by the subcommittee of the Committee on Territories in the inquiry relative to Alaska, under Senate resolution of March nineteenth, nineteen hundred and three, and indexing said testimony and the report, five hundred dollars.

Edward C. Goodwin.
Extra services.
To pay Edward C. Goodwin for extra services as clerk to the special committee appointed to inquire into certain charges respecting Honorable Charles H. Dietrich, a Senator from the State of Nebraska, under a resolution of the Senate February first, nineteen hundred and four, from February fourth, nineteen hundred and four, to April fourteenth, nineteen hundred and four, four hundred and twenty dollars.

Thom Williamson, jr., and Ernest J. Waterman.
Payment to.
To pay Thom Williamson, junior, and Ernest J. Waterman, assistant clerks to the Committee on Military Affairs, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars each, for indexing hearings before the Committee on Military Affairs during the present session, including those in connection with the promotion of Brigadier-General Leonard Wood, three hundred dollars.

Dennis M. Kerr.
To pay Dennis M. Kerr for services as assistant clerk, by detail to the Committee on Pensions, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Ormsby McHarg.
To pay Ormsby McHarg for indexing and for extra services as clerk to the Committee on Pensions, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

J. H. Jones.
Payment to.
To pay J. H. Jones for extra services in the care of the Senate chronometer and for the work in connection therewith, one hundred dollars for the first and second sessions of the Fifth-eighth Congress.

Fuel, oil, etc. For fuel, oil, cotton-waste, and advertising, for the heating apparatus, exclusive of labor, five thousand dollars.

Miscellaneous items. For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Maltby Building, repairs. For repairs of Maltby Building, two hundred and fifty dollars.

House of Representatives.

house of representatives.

Congressional employees.
Extra month's pay.
To enable the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives to pay to the officers and employees of the Senate and House, borne on the annual and session rolls on the first day of March, nineteen hundred and four, including the Capitol police, the official reporters of the Senate and House, and W. A. Smith, Congressional Record clerk, for extra services during the first and second sessions of the Fifty-eighth Congress, a sum equal to one month's pay at the compensation then paid them by law, the same to be immediately available.

Compensation. For compensation of members of the House of Representatives and Delegates from Territories, twelve thousand dollars.

Henry Burk.
Pay to widow.
To pay the widow of Henry Burk, late a Representative in Congress from the State of Pennsylvania, five thousand dollars.

G. W. Croft.
Pay to widow.
To pay the widow of G. W. Croft, late a Representative in Congress from the State of South Carolina, five thousand dollars.

R. H. Foerderer.
Pay to widow.
To pay the widow of R. H. Foerderer, late a Representative from the State of Pennsylvania, five thousand dollars.

W. W. Skiles.
Pay to widow.
To pay the widow of W. W. Skiles, late a Representative from the State of Ohio, five thousand dollars.

C. W. Thompson.
Pay to heirs.
To pay the legal heirs of C. W. Thompson, late a Representative in Congress from the State of Alabama, five thousand dollars.

V. Boreing.
Pay to widow, or heirs.
To pay the widow, or if none to the legal heirs, of V. Boreing, late a Representative in Congress from the State of Kentucky, five thousand dollars.

Contested-election expenses. For allowance to the following contestants and contestees for expenses incurred by them in contested-election cases as audited and recommended by the Committees on Elections:

George Howell.

To George Howell, two thousand dollars;