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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/514

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For salaries, charges d'affaires ad interim, two hundred and ninety-five dollars and fifty-two cents.

For contingent expenses, foreign missions, forty cents.

For determining the most practicable route for canal across the Isthmus of Panama, thirty-five dollars.

For salaries, consular service, one thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars and fifty cents.

For relief and protection of American seamen, three hundred and seventy-five dollars and ninety-one cents.

For contingent expenses, United States consulates, one hundred and fifty-three dollars and seventy cents.

For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, one dollar and ninety-seven cents.

For animal quarantine stations, one hundred and thirty dollars and seventy-one cents.

For agricultural experiment stations, one dollar and sixty cents.

For general expenses, Weather Bureau, one hundred and forty-five dollars and forty-five cents.

For party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, twenty-one dollars and thirty-one cents.

For salaries, keepers of light-houses, five dollars and three cents.

For supplies of light-houses, fifty-three dollars and fifty-six cents.

For repairs and incidental expenses of light-houses, twelve dollars and ninety-six cents.

For Cedar Point light station, Maryland, fourteen dollars and eighty-eight cents.

For Lower Cedar Point light station, Maryland, seven dollars and forty-six cents.

For Solomons Lump light station, Chesapeake Bay, twelve dollars and sixty-nine cents.

For Maryland Point light station, Maryland, six dollars and fifty-seven cents.

For Hooper Island light station, Maryland, two dollars and eighty-eight cents.

For Pages Rock light station, Virginia, three dollars and twenty-eight cents.

For pay of special assistant attorneys, United States courts, seven hundred dollars.

For fees of clerks, United States courts, seven hundred and fifty-six dollars and ten cents.

For fees of commissioners, United States courts, twenty-eight dollars and five cents.

For support of prisoners, United States courts, ninety dollars.

For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, eight hundred and twenty dollars and forty cents.

Claims allowed by Auditor for Post-Office Department.

claims allowed by the auditor for the post-office department.

For compensation of postmasters, fourteen dollars and eighteen cents.

For clerk hire, nineteen dollars and twenty cents.

For rent, light, and fuel, sixty-one dollars and sixteen cents.

For railway mail service, one hundred and sixteen dollars and sixteen cents.

For miscellaneous, First Assistant Postmaster-General, salary and allowance division, one hundred dollars.

For star transportation, two hundred and nine dollars and ninety-nine cents.

For limited indemnity for lost registered mail, fifteen dollars.

For rewards, fifty dollars.