428 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1630. 1904. pany, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, lVilliam L. Jones, receiver, [ive thousand dollars, reported in Senate Executive Document Numbered Five, Fifty-third Congress, third session. C}{,§:1°:;’{;emWum The accounting officers of the Treasupy are hereby authorized and directed to reopen and adjust the claim o the State of Missouri under the Act to reimburse the State of Missouri for moneys expended for the United States in enrolling and equipping and provisioning militia V¤1.14.r>.3& forces to aid in suppressing the rebellion, approved April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, on the basis of like claims of Indiana, Michigan, New York, Marne, and Pennsylvania. }j:"“Sé¤,,0Nxw,_ To pay to the State of Texas as reimbursement to said State for ws. gear County. expenses incurred in maintaining a civil overnment, and so forth, in what was then known as Greer County,gI`exas, now known as Greer County, Oklahoma, as shown by reports of the Secretary of the Interior contained in House Document Numbered Five hundred and seventy-one, Fifty-seventh Congress, first session, and House Document Numbered Five hundred and seventy-one, Part Two, Fifty- seventh Congress, first session, fifty thousand eight hundred and seventy-four dollars and fifty-three cents,. and the acceptance of pay- ment hereunder shall be in full for all claims, of the character herein provided for, by the State of Texas. £·'°’”“Y‘“""i“‘ That the accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby, Adjrfmngclnims cf. authorized and directed to reopen and adj ust the claims of New Jersey Vol. 32, p. 1078. and Wisconsin, for which appropriation was made by Act of Congress approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, on the bas1s of l1 e claims of Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Maine, and Pennsylvania, with the same force and effect as though appropriation therefor had not been made or accepted by the said States. -;g_¤¤¢SD-tI·g°¤sw§1!({$,*€j- For the relief of Helen D. Longstreet, widow of General James mmLongstreet, the sum of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. $1g;¤¢¤§2¤¤;1¤¤§0;¤é Sec. 5. That section one of the Act of Congress approved April mesaés.'twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An Act to (prohibit the coming into and to regulate the residence within the Unite States, its Territories, and all territory under its jurisdiction, and the District of Columbia, of Chinese and persons of Chinese descent," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: _ _ _ · W{;,'},Qf,§]{,§f,§,'{§,f°d "All laws in force on_ the twenty-ninth day of Apu], nineteen hundred and two, regulating, suspending, or rohrbiting the comin of Chinese persons or persons of Chinese dlescent into the United V<>¤-25»v-4T*- States, and the residence of such persons therein, including sections five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen, and fourteen of the Act entitled ‘An Act to prohibit the coming of Chinese laborers into the United States,’ approved September thirteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, be, and the same are hereby. rcenacted. extended, and continued, without modification, limitation, or condition; and said laws shall also apply to the islam} territory under the jurisdiction of the United States, and prohibit the immigration of Chinese laborers, not citizens of the United States, from such island territory to the mainland territory of the United States, whether in such island territory at the time of. cession or not, and from one portion of the island territopy of the United States to another portion of said island terri- ,{Z;g;g· {Mmmm tory: · wvided, hmcezaer, That said. laws shall not apply to the transit rnmsuiupossessxons. of Chinese laborers from one island to another island of the same group; and any islands within the `urisdiction of any State or the District of Alaska shall be considered a part of the mainland under this section." Approved, April 27, 190-1.
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