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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/519

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1759. 1904. 431 of delivery, superintendents of inquiry, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of second-class matter, and superintendents of stations, twenty-nine, at two thousand two hundred dollars each, sixty-three thousand eight hundred dollars; Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant A**?·“‘°°"°*'· superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of registry, c ief mailing clerks, chief stamp clerks, nig t superintendents, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of inquiry, superintendents of mails, superintendents o money order, superintendents of registry, . superintendents of second—class matter, and superintendents of stations, sixteen, at two thousand one hundred dollars each, thirty-three thousand six hundred dollars; Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant A°$2·°°°°¤°¤· superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of registry, bookkeepers, cashiers, chief mailing clerks, chief stamp clerks, examiners of stations, finance clerks, private secretaries, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of elivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of second-class matter, an superintendents of tations, seventy-seven, at two thousand dollars each, one hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars; _ Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant A°°*·”°°°°°h· superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of money order, _ assistant su rintendents of regstry, assistant superintendents of stations, bookkdepers, cashiers, c `ef clerks, chief stamp clerks, examiners of stations, finance clerks, private secretaries, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of de ivery superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of seoond—class matter, and superintendents of stations, sixt , at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, one hundred and eight thousand dollars; . Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant At$1.‘M•=¤c¤ superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of money order, _ assistant su erintendents of re `stry, assistant superintendents of stations, bookgeepers, cashiers, chief mailing clerks, chief stamp clerks, examiners of stations, finance clerks, private secretaries superintendents of carriers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents o money order, superintendents of registry, superintendents of second-class matter, an superintendents o stations, one hundred and nineteen, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each, two hundred and two thousand three hundred dollars; Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant M $1.600 mhsuperintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of money order, assistant superintendents of registry, assistant superintendents of stations, bookkeepers, cashiers, c ief mailing clerks, chief stamp clerks, examiners of stations, finance clerks, foremen of crews, private secretaries, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of de ivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, ssiperintendeuts of registry, superintendents of second—class matter, an superintend- · ents of stations, one hundred and live, at one thousand six hundred dollars each, one hundred and sixty-eight thousand dollars; Assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant A¤•1.50¤w=1¤. superintendents of mails, assistant superintendents of money order, assistant su rintendents of re `stry, assistant superintendents of sta- v_ tions, bookkidepers, cashiers, cdief mailing clerks, chief stamp clerks, examiners of stations, finance clerks, foremen of crews, private secretaries, superintendents of carriers, superintendents of de ivery, superintendents of mails, superintendents of money order, superintendents