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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/523

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F1FTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1759. 1904. 435 SUPPLY DIVISIOIQ.S“PPl>'d“'”*°¤- For stationery for postal service sixty-five thousand dollars. - S*·“'·*°”°"Y- _ For wrapping twine and tying devices, one hundred and forty-five T“'*¤°— thousand do lars. _ For wrapping paper, fifty thousand dollars. ~ W’°PP‘“g WP"- For letter balances, scales, and test weights, and repairs to same, s°“l°‘·°‘°· twelve thousand five hundred dollars. _ . _ For postmarking and rating stamps, and repairs to same, and ink ,,,P,‘,{',,*:""k‘"*· °“’~ plnilhpsads for stamping and canceling purposes, thirty-five thousand o . For rubber stam and type, metal-bodied rubber t ,dates, figures, Rubber ¤¤¤¤P¤· and holders, and iriks and pads for rubber stamps, iivgliliousand dollars. d lior packing boxes, sawdust, paste, and hardware, two thousand *"*°*i¤8 *>°¤°¤· °*°· 0 ars. For printing facing slips and cutting same, card slide labels, blanks, Printingand books of an urgent nature, fifteen thousand dollars. Blanks, blank books, printed and engraved matter, binding and car- B1¤¤k ¥><>¤k¤. ewbon paper for the money—order service, one hundred and twenty-Eve thousand dollars. Rubber and metal stamps and repairs thereto; ribbons, pads, and R¤>¤<>¤¤»¤¤¤· racks for the money-order service, six thousand dollars. h Co ying presses, ty writing mac ines, envelope opening mac ines, 'fY:,<·>W*i*i¤8 ¤¤· and rgpairs thereto, fdie use of the money-order service, twelve thou- cmu 'm` c a eon , stationery, an necessaryeous expenses ° °“°°“° °*· Smélxdliuami drafts d miscellan Nm “ of the midday-order service, ten thousand dollars.‘ Wm ‘ oirncn or rim snooim Assisniw rosrunsrnn-ennnnnr. ,,§_'i§’{‘s‘},,;*,§g},j,}:,f*‘ Ixmmw inn. rmmsromnnomz For inland transportation by star g';§;g,Qg°m¤°¤· routes, including temprrary service to newly established offices, seven ` million eight hundre and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That out §{g;°Lf·sm,c€_ of this appropriation the Postmaster-General is authorized to provide diiiicult or emergency mail service in Alaska, including the establishment and equipment of relay stations, in such manner as he may think advisable, without advertising therefor. For inland trans rtation by steamboat and other power boat routes, S¤¤¤¤¤¤¤•¤¤ ¤>¤¢·>=· seven hundred andpfifty thousand dollars. 1 For mail-messenger service, one million two hundred thousand dol- g¢ji¤¤¤¤<·r Sgvigvlars, and for the performance of this service in the cit of Chicago by •ne°¤:igi3i$ie¤,°hil°K underground electric cars, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, °‘f.‘};,,.,,,,,_ That no part of this a pro riation shall be used unless the Postmaster- ri¤¤i¤¤f¤¤¤¤· General shall so decide, aiiter satisfactory preliminary trial, and the service can be pgrformed at a cost not exceeding that of an eilicient wagon service tween the same ints: Provided further, That any Fw <>f~¤¤vi¤z¤· money saved in utilizing this methed of transportation, by discontinuance of screen-wagon service, on the basis of ast year’s expenditures, may be available, in addition to said one hundred thousand dollars, for the purpose of covering the cost of the aforesaid underground electric service. For transmission of mail by neumatic tubes or other similar P¤¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤¥><»==· devices, five hundred thousand dollars from which sum may be paid the amount necessary to fulfill the existing contract for service in Boston. _ For regulation, screen, or other wagon service, one million one W’*H°¤ ¤°¤’i¤¤· hundred and thirty-three thousand dollars. ‘ For mail bags, cord fasteners, label cases, and for labor and material Mm ***85- M- necessary for repairing equi ment, and for incidental expenses pertaining thereto, three hundred thousand dollars: Provided. That Pwvgan. hereafter no contract shall be entered into by the Post-Office Depart- p:,§°,§’§{§,lf°b`” g°°d'