F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 1759, 1760. 1904. 441 to a per diem allowance when traveling, in lieu of actual expenses, shall only be allowed such per diem when actually engaged in traveling on official business away from their home, their official domicile, and their headquarters, except in cases of post-office inspectors while E¤<>¤1>¤<>¤¤- temporarily located at any p ace on business away from home, or their — designated domicile, for a period not exceeding twent consecutive danys at any one place· and the Postmaster-General shally designate an 0******1 d°m*°*l°· 0 cial domicile and headquarters within the division or territory to which such officer or employee is assigned. Sm. 5. That the appropriations herein made for the officers, clerks, m§geg*;{;¤°¤;;c*gp!;ggj and persons employedp in the postal service shall not be available for mea persons. the compensation of anyvhpersons permanently incapacitated for per- ‘ forming such service. - e establishment of a civil nsion roll or an mgggébriggg g&<=**“ honora le service roll, or the exemption of any of tli); officers, clerks, ’ ` and persons in the postal service from the existing laws respecting em; oyment in such service is hereby prohibited. Ec. 6. That if the revenues of the ost—Ofiice Department shall be m;;QP,{gg;QgIf;f;_¤ *0 insufficient to meet the appropriations made by this Act, a sum equal to such deficiency of the revenues of said Department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise aépgroppiated, to supply said eiiciencies in the revenues for the Postce epartment or the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five. _ Sm. 7. That hereafter the Vice-President, Members and Members- m°°’},§,;°5“g°;{'·l *"°“*‘ elect of and Delegates and Delegates-elect to Congress shall have the iigshr ci im mv privilege of sending free through the mails, and under their frank, tmiV0l.U),p.4d$. any mail matter to any Government official or to any person, correspondence, not exceeding four ounces in weight, upon omcial or departm.8. tevery r resi ewi 'n· e e iveryo the m,m_°'*°° ° m(S1mIb · postmasteshalll d thithdl fh Bm ‘¤’°"‘ ollice to which he is appointed or within the town or cit where the same is situated, and section thirty-eight hundred and y-one of m]f£iéf,$°·““’“·P·’°°· the Revised Statutes of the United States is hereby repealed. Approved, April 28, 1904. CHAP. 1760.-Au Act Making appropriations for the support of the Military Aprilzs, 1904. Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, and __ [ ·R·1$86°·]__ for ¤fh€P P'·¤'P°¤°€- [Putin, xo. im Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe;m•esentato}a:es of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, _P’if}}}l§‘r,jVu°,*}&°"·°°“Y and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any moneyain the Treasury not otherwise appro mated, for the support of the . ilitary Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five. rmunimur msranmsnmmur. m{,$;’g:{f°°* °°”‘* d {or pay of seven professors, twenty-two thousand five hundred ml? °‘ P'°‘°”°"· o ars; For pay of one chaplain, two thousand dollars; d ger pay of one associate professor of mathematics, two thousand o ars; d fior pay of the master of the sword, one thousand six hundred o ars; . For pay of cadets, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; °“d°'“· In al , for permanent establishment, two hundred and seventy-eight thousand one hundred dollars.