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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/546

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458 F IFTY—ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. v8§§)1;°i”°“d P’°°‘°" For repairs and preservation of public buildings: Repairs and pres- V ervation of custom-houses, court-houses, and post-oflices, a11d quarantine stations, buildings and wharf at Sitka, Alaska, and the other ` public buildings and the grounds thereof under the control of the _ Treasury Department, exc usive of marine hospitals, four hundred €»i(i>v$`¤¤e¤ae¤¢s, and fifty thousand dollars: P7·0·videeZ, That of the sum hereby appro- °*°· priated not exceeding forty thousand dollars may be used, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the employment, outside of the District of Columbia, of superintendents and others, including mechanical labor force, at a rate of compensation not exceeding for an one person six dollars per day. Heating, em., up Eeating apparatus for (public buildings: For heating, hoisting, and ¥""‘"“"· ventilating apparatus, an repairs to the same, for all public buildings, including quarantine stations and exclusive of marine hospitals, under the control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of personal services, except for work done. by contract, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; but of this amount not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars may be exnded for personal services of mechanics and others employed outsidsof the District of Columbia, in making repairs or inspectin mm. work done on heating, hoisting, and ventilating apparatus: !E*,*;*;°;P,:‘“· Mmm That it is hereby made the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be expended the whole, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the appropriation of twenty—’rive thousand dollars for heating, hoisting and ventilating apparatus contained in the Act of Congress making appropriations to suplply urgent deficiencies, and so forth, _,,,,,_p_%_ approved February eighteent , nineteen hundred and four, for the installation of adequate elevators in the public building at Minneapolis, Minnesota. venus, mes, and Vaults, safes, and locks for public buildings: For vaults, safes, and l°°“· locks, and repairs to the same, for all public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of personal services, except for work done by contract, fort thousand dollars; but of this amount not exceeding three thousandy dollars may be expended for p)ers0nal services of mechanics and others employed outside of the istrict of Columbia, in makin re irs and inspecting work done. riansmc. Plans for public buildings: lgor bboks of reference, technical periodicals and ]ournals, photographic instruments, chemicals, plates and hotographic materials of like nature for use of the office of the Su rvising Architect of the Treasury Department, four thousand · dohiisirs. mectnyiprcmcnioii. Electrical protection to vaults, public buildings: For maintenance V`"` 3" °‘1°°1‘ of the electrical protective devices installed under authority of the sundry civil Act ap iroved March third, nineteen hundred and three, twenty thousand dollars. Marino hospitals. MARINE HOSPITALS. tramtiai. Cairo, Illinois, marine hospital: For addition to attendants’ quarters, five thousand dollars. · stm rms.-s»r·¤,<:»1. San Francisco, California, marine hospital: For isolation ward and mortuary, eight thousand dollars. Q****"*¤"**°’**m°¤*‘· ouaxuxrixa srxrioxs. R#¤<1rY¤1¤¤··*- Reedy Island, Delaware River, quarantine station: For reclamation of(ground, and lighting plant, eight thousand dollars. €¤P¢ Feet ape Fear quarantine station: For infectious hospital, five thousand three hundred dollars. sawnnah, na. Savannah, Georgia, quarantine station: For new wharf and laundrv building, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. U

    • ‘“ J“““· P~R· San J nan, Porto Rico, quarantine station: For lazaretto, executive