FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 477 and forty dollars; cook, six hundred dollars; three seamen, at tive hundred and forty dollars each; one cabin be , four hundred and twenty dollars; in all, six thousand and sixty dollars. ` Eapenses of administration: For contingent expenses of the office of p,’,§§;*“*’””"°” °*‘ the mmissioner, including stationerly, purchase of special reports, books for library, telegraph and telep one service, furniture, repairs . to and heating, ighting, and equipment of buildings, and comlpensation of temporary employlees, twe ve thousand five undred dollars. Propagation o food—iis es: For maintenance, equipment, and opera- p,,,"_Q,’g°¥°“°“ °x‘ tions of the fish·cultural stations of the Bureau, the general propagation of food-fishes and their distribution, including the movement, maintenance, and repairs of cars, purchase of equipment and apparatus, contingent expenses, and temporary labor, two hundred an thirty thousand dollars. . Maintenance of vessels: For maintenance of the vessels and launches ,,}‘{°"“°“““°° °"'°* including the purchase and repair of boats, apparatus, machinery, and other facilities required for use with the same, hire of vessels, and all other necessary expenses in connection therewith, fifty thousand dollars. Inquiry respecting food-iishes: For field and contingent expenses of ,°f,‘,§q,,‘§,,"§,_ '°°¥’°°“°g the inquir into the causes of the decrease of food-iis es in the lakes, Fi¤1¤.¤w-.¢¤r¤¤¤¤¤- rivers, and, coast waters of the United States, and for the study of the waters of the interior in the interest of fish-culture; for the investigation of the tishiqggrounds of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, · with the view of etermining their food resources, in the development of the commercial fisheries, expenses of necessary travel and preparation of reports, and for all other necessary expenses in connection _ . therewith, twenty-tive thousand dollars. Statistical inquiry: For necessary traveling and contingent expenses S¤~¤•¤¤•1i¤q¤h·r. in the collection and compilation o the statistics of the fisheries and glu;] study of their meth and relations, seven thousand five hundred o ars. ~ And ten per centum of the foregoing amounts for the miscellaneous p£‘éf51°pB§“8°°bl9°x‘ expenses of the work of the Commission shall be available inter- " changeably for expenditure on the objects named, but no more than ten per centum shall be added to any one item of apprqpriation. For the completion of lobster hatchery at Boothbay arbor, Maine, {2*3%*- hmmm including purchase of land, construction and repair of buildings, ponds, Me. " and wharves, purchase of equipment, boats, and other necessary improvements, ten thousand dollars. or the fish-cultural station at White Sulphur Springs, West Vir- Splm wS,9n*Ph°* ginia, including the purchase of land, construction of uildings and ’` ponds, and improvement to water sqlpiply, eleven thousand dollars. For the fish-cultural station at Le vi le, Colorado, improvement of I·°¤d*’m¤· °°l°· water suplply and repair of buildings and ponds, seven thousand five hundred ol ars. For the fish-cultural station at Neosho, Missouri, purchase of land N°°¤l*¤· M¤· and water rights, the construction and repair of pipe lines, and other improvements to the water supply, eleven thousan dollars. Marine biological station, Beau ort, North Carolina: For completion NBé°1°¤'i°¤l '**°i°¤· of the biological laboratory at Beaufort, North Carolina, including the' construction of wharf, piers, jetties, and buildings, and general improvement of grounds, six thousand dollars. ish hatchery, Tupelo, Mississippi: For completion of the Hsh-cul- Tupelo, mss tural station at Tu lo, Mississippi, including the purchase of land, construction of buildings and ponds, improvement to water supply, and purchase of uipment, seven thousand five hundred dollars. _ Fish hatchery,BCra1gs Brook, Maine: For construction and repair of mm B'°°*· **°· buildin s and improvement to water supply, nine thousand three hundred dollars. ,
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