F1FTY·E1GHTH CONGRESS. Sess. U. Ch. 1762. 1904. 491 of seats and tools; trees, tree and plant stakes, labels, lime, white, washing, and stock for nursery, flower ots. twine, baskets, wire, splints, moss, and lycopodium, to be purchased by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may determine; care, construction, and repair of fountains; abating nuisances, cleaning statues, and repairing pedestals, sixteen thousand and fifty dollars. For improvement, care, and maintenance of various resei vations, twenty-five thousand dollars. For improvement, care, and maintenance of Smithsonian grounds, two thousand five hundred dollars. For im rovement, care and maintenance of Judiciary Park, two thousand hve hundred dollars. d For laying asphalt walks in various reservations, two thousand o ars. For broken—stone road covering for parks, two thousand dollars. ' For curbing, coping, and flagging for park roads and walks, two thousand dollars. For stone coping for Franklin Park, two thousand dollars. ° For completin the improvement of the portion of Potomac Park P<>*<>¤¤¤¤ Park . between the tidal reservoir and the Washington Monument grounds and extending from Seventeenth street and Virginia avenue northwest to Maryland avenue and Fourteenth street southwest, twenty thousand dollars. One half of the foregoing sums under “Buildiugs and grounds in m§:,}fwf°m Di’”“°* and around Washington" shall be id from the revenues of the Dis- ' grict of Columbia and the other hallmfrom the Treasury of the United tates. Under appropriations herein contained no contract shall be made tg·*¤¤¢v;<geg•§¢~w· for makinglor repairing concrete or asphalt pavements in Washington ° “W ' City at a igher price than one dollar and sixty-tive cents per square yard for a uality equal to the best laid in the District of Columbia prior to J iily first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with a base of not less than six inches in thickness. To defray the ex nses incident to the erection and dedication, upon ;;%<}g¤ig§Jh?§*$¤¤· VVar College groundsl,Washington Barracks, of the statue of Frederick a O S u ue' the Great, the gift to the United States of His Imperial Majesty the (Fmperor of Germany, to be immediately available, eight thousand ollars. To enable a commission, which is hereby created, to be com osed of ggg]¤;1*;jg{g;'$)*$QQét_ the Secretary of State, the chairman of the Committee on the Library ue to Tlromas Jém- of the Senate, and the chairman of the Committee on the Library of the ’°“‘ House of Representatives of the Fifty-eighth Congjressto select a site on the public grounds in the District of Colum ia. for a statue of Thomas J eiferson to cost complete not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars, and to procure plans and designs for the same to be reported to Congress during its next session, five thousand dollars. For improvement, care, and maintenance of grounds of Executive De artments, one thousand dollars. Igor such trees, shrubs, plants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the grounds of the Library of Congress as may be requested by the supermtendent of the Library buil ing, one thousand dollars. For such trees, shrubs, plants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the grounds of the Capitol as may be requested by the superintendent of the Capitol building, three thousand dollars. For improvement and maintenance of Executive Mansion grounds (within iron fence), four thousand dollars. For the employment of an engineer by the officer in charge of public buildings and grounds, two thousand four hundred dollars. For purchase and repair of machinery and tools for shops at nursery, two thousand dollars.
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