F IFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 493 VVASHINGTON MONUMENT2 For the care and maintenance of the mQQ;*h*¤8¤>¤ M<>¤¤· lVashington Monument, namely: For one custodian, at one hundred ` dollars per month; one steam engineer, at eighty dollars per month; one assistant steam engineer, at sixty dollars per month; one fireman, at fifty dollars per month; one assistant iireman, at forty-five dollars ` per month; one conductor of elevator car at seventyfrive dollars per month; one attendant on floor, at sixty dollars per month; one attendant on top floor, at sixty dollars per month; three night and day watchmen, at sixty dollars per month each; in all, eight thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. ’ For fuel, lights, oil, waste, packing, tools, matches, paints, brushes, E‘*’°““°’~ brooms, lanterns, rope, nails, screws, lead, electric lights, heating apparatus, oil stoves for elevator car and upper and lower floors, repairs to engines, boilers, dynamos, elevator, and repairs of all kinds connecte with the Monument and machinery, and purchase of all necessary articles for keeping the Monument, machinery, elevator, and electric plant in good order, three thousand dollars. For constructing a reception room on the lower iloor of the R°°€P**°¤ Mm- Monument, two thousand five hundred dollars. ENGINEER 1>E1>An:rMEN·r. m§,fg*¤°" d°P¤’*· Toward the construction of works on harbors and rivers, under *“"*’” *`*¤•* h*"*>°¤· contract and otherwise, and within the limits authorized by law, namely: Improving harbor at Charleston, South Carolina: For continuing ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤»S-0- improvement, seventy-three thousand dollars. or works authorized by the river and harbor Act of eighteen hun- V<>1- 29. p. 2<r2. dred and ninety-six, as follows; · · · Improving harbor at Cleveland, Ohio: For continuing improvement, °l°*¤l¤¤¤· 0¤i<> twenty-five thousand two hundred dollars; ` Improving Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida: For continu— Gf'{,*{]¤},>°1;l:¤¤S¤¤¤¢ ingilmprovement, fiftyfrive thousand dollars.` proving Monongahela River, West Virginia: For completing WM3g°¤8¤¤¢l¤Ri’°*· improvement by the construction of six locks and dams on the Upper` Monongahela River, one hundred thousand dollars. Improving harbor at San Pedro, California: For continuing con- S"“ P°"’°·C“l· struction of breakwater, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. . , Improving Winyaw Bay, South Carolina: For continuing improve- “’*“>’"' BW S- C· ment of harbor at Win aw Bay, seventy thousand dollars. For works authorized, by the river and harbor Act of eighteen hun- "°‘· 3°· P· mh dred and ninety-nine, as follows: _ Improving channel in Gowanus Bay, New York: For continuing “°"°¤“¤B¤Y·N· ‘· improvement of Bay Rid e and Red Hook channels, one hundred an seventy-five thousand dolIars. Improvin harbor at Black River, Ohio: For continuing improve- 3*** *“"°'· 0***** ment of haidmr at mouth of Black River, Lorain, Ohio, one hundred. » thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Gulfport, Mississippi: For maintenance of G“l*P°’*· 1***- channel from Gulfport to Sh1p Island Harbor, including anchorage basin, ten thousan dollars. _ Improving harbor at New York, New York: For continuing improve- Nj*·§§‘°‘°“ Ch°¤““ ment of Ambrose Channel (formerly known as East Channel) across Sandy Hook Bar, fifty thousand dollars._ Improving harbor of refuge at Sand Beach, Michigan: For continu— S““‘* B“°h· mm ing improvement in completion of contract limit, fifty thousand dollars. _ mproving harbor at Toledo, Ohio: For continuing improvement, T°‘°"°·°*“°· seventy thousand dollars. _ For works authorized by the river and harbor Act of nineteen hun- l°1·3°·l’·"’31· dred and two as follows: · Improvingharborat Boston, Massachusetts: Forcontinuing improve- B°"°“· ****5- ment by providing channels thirty-five feet deep, and of authorized
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