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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/601

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 5].3 eighpeen hundred and ninety-five, shall not be included in said allotmen . To enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions •f the ’““"““°°'°*· law granting thirty days’ annual leave to the employees of the Government Printirég Office, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much ereof as may be necessary. Sec. 2. That all sums appropriated by this Act for salaries of oth- Sjrmfsufor ¤=1¤r1¤¤ w cers and employees of the Government shall be in full for such sala~ °° ° l` ries for the hscal year nineteen hundred and five, and all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be, and the B81I1B are _ hereby, repxealed. Sec. 3. 0 part of any money appropriated by this Act shall be h0¤¤¤¤s¤¤. fewkw used for [purchase, maintaining, driving, or operating any carriage or p:§$'3€1§t°LJ§, °° other ve icle, other than those authorized for personal purposes in s section two of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation Act for the iiscal year nineteen hundred and five, unless the same shall have conspicuously painted thereon at all times the full name of the Executive Department or other branch of the public service to which the same belong and in the service of which the same are used. Sm. 4. That the annual compensation of officers, agents, and {gdvisiev <g-·;¤¤{¤•1 emplo ees of the United States for services rendered subsequent to Z°Q,u.i°i°miL`1;me:L°lv° June mirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, shall be divided into twelve ' equal installments, one of which shall be theipay for each calendar month; and in making payments fora fractio part of a month, onethirtieth of one of suc installments, or of.; monthly compensation, shall be the rate to be paid for each day. For the urpose-of com-

 such compensation each and every month shall be held to consist thirty days, without regard to the actual number of days in any

month, thus excluding the t irty-first day om month ; Q the. computation, and treating February as if it y had Sec. 5. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is ere y, "“'°*’“° directed to prepare or have prepared suitable dies with appropriate 1YR5s1S f¤r» w be devices, emblems, and inscriptions commemorative of the lhouisiana °°m ' Purchase Exposition celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the purchase of the Louisiana Territory; from which dies, under the supervision of the said Secretary of the Treasury, there shall be comed, at some mint of the United States, medals to be awarded by the said Louisiana Purchase Exposition Com ny to exhibitors in accordance with the provisions o the Act of Clingress entitled “An v¤1.s1.1>.1440. Act to provide for ce ebratirrig the one hundredth anniversapy of the purchase of the Louisiana erritory by the United States, and so orth, approved March third, nineteen hundred and one; that the devices, emblems, and inscri tions for said dies and medals shall be furnished b the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, and said medals shallybemade and coined from such material as the said exposition com ny may, at its own expense, furnish; and authority may rgvpliwm rc bowbe grantcdmb the Secretary of the Treasury to the holder of any ° ` medal properly awarded to.any exhibitor to ave duplicates thereof made, at any time, at any of the mints of the United States, from gold, silver, or bronze, at the expense of the person desirin the same; said medals shall be coined and the dies therefor prepare? subject to the provisions of the fifty}-second section of the coinage Act of eighteen hundred and ninetiy-t ree, and all the provisions, whether penal or otherwise, of said coinage Act against counterfeiting or imitating of coins of the United tates shall apply to the medals struck and used under the provisions of this Act. Approved, April 28, 190-L. ` vox. xxxm, rr 1--33