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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/604

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5]6 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1I. Cus. 1763-1765. 1904. Ar>P¤’<>P¤’i¤¤°¤ for Sec. 10. That the sum of three hundred dollars is hereby appropri- °xp°m°s` ated, out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, to provide the necessary funds for the cpsts and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant ereto.

  • PP°“" “°"°"°“"' Sec. 11. That no a al b an interested rt from the decision

opming of mm` ct?. of the supreme court hptlhe Distrigt of Columbiaucoiifirmin the assessment or assessments of benefits or damages herein providged for, nor any other proceeding at law or in equity by such party against the confirmation of such assessment or assessments, shall delay or prevent the payment of award to others in respect to the property condemned, nor delay or preventthe taking of any of said property sought to be _ mh, 0, um, condemned, nor the opening of such street: Provided, /wwe/ver, That cecmon. upon the iinabdetermmation of said appeal or other iproceeding at law · or in equity the amount found to be ue and payab e as damages sustained by reason of the joining of said street under the provisions . hereof shall be paid as hereinbefore provided. . Approved, April 28, 1904. Aggil . 1784.-An Act To provide an American register for the British ship Pu li , No. 196. » _ [ b c __ 1 Be ttenacted by the Senate and House of R esentattves of the United

Q,Z'§,'§g°,‘§°',egi,te, States of America in Omzgress assembled, mt the Commissioner of

5¤;¤;°dnQ%”Qj";jl; Navigation is hereby authorized and directed to cause the foreign- built . changed to ··mng¤ four-mast ship Pyrenees, owned by I. E. Thayer, a citizen of the R°"‘" United States, to be registered as a vessel of the United States under the name of Manga Reva whenever it shall be shown to the Commissioner of Navi tion that the cost of the repairs put upon such vessel in the United_States, or done with material or by labor brought from the.United States, is equal to or in excess of ten times the cost of said vessel in her wrecked condition. Approved, April 28, 1904. Avg CHAP. 1785.-An Act To connect Euclid place with Erie street. [Public. No- MJ Be it emzcted by the Senate and House of Representatbvea of the Dmited _ m,,,.m,,m,l,,mm_ States ofximerica in Omzgress assembled, That within thirty days after p,§§_Q°“"°“ °"'°“°“‘ H10 p8SS¤<>‘G of this bill the Commissioners of the District of Columbia Proceedinfs to mn- be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to institute in the °°'“" md °" supreme court of the District of Columbia, sitting as a district court, by petition, particularly describing the lands to he taken, a proceedin in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary to extend Euclid place so as to connect with Erie street through Lot "A" of University ark subdivision and lots fourteen and fifteen of Hall and Elvan’s subdivision of Meridian Hill, with a width of fifty feet. ,,;‘§,{?‘,f,‘§*},“‘,,'{,'}f,,‘},{,f’“‘“‘ Sec. 2. That of the amount found to be due and awarded as dama es for and in respect of the land condemned for the extension of Eugid place as herein provided, such amount thereof shall be assessed by the Lqry hereinafter provided for as benefits, and to the extent of such nelits, against those pieces or parcels of land on each side of said place as extended, and also on any or all pieces or parcels of land which will; be benefited by the extension of said place as said jury may find said pieces or parcels of land will be benefited, and in determining the amounts to be assessed against said pieces or parcels of land the ]ury shall take into consideration the respective situations of such ~ pieces or parcels of land and the benefits they may severally receive ézgmbn Onward from the extension of said place as aforesaid: Provided, Thatif the em.aggregate amount of the benefits to be assessed. as determined by said