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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/607

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F IFTY-EIGIITH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 1766-1768. 1904. 519 Army or Navy unless the President shall and that the rates of freight charges by said vessels are excessive and unreasonable in which case contracts shall be made under the law as it now exists: That no greater charges be made by such vessels for transportation of articles for the use of the said Army and Navy than are made by such vessels for transportation of like goods for private parties or companies. Sec. 2. That this Act shall take effect sixty days after its passage. E“°°‘· Approved, April 28, 190-l. w. 3767:17An Apt To authorize the Absentee Wyandotte Indians to select Apgl ee m an s, an or o er purposes. $7.. [mein, no. ms.] Be it enacted by the Semzte and House 0_fRepresentat¢}ves 0 f the United Absent e G Wym States of America in Congress assembled, That each living adult <1<g¤fI¤dj¤ns. Absentee Wyandotte Indian whose name appears upon a census roll an-$;°°il.Y.’5Ef°i,*Q·d°§‘,lI of Absentee Wyandotte Indians made by Special Agent Joel T. Olive, '°“°"-*“"’°'i""· ‘ as approved by the Secretary of the Interior December seventh, pighteen hundred and ninet —six, may select in person, under spch es and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, from the surveyed public nonmineral domain, eighty acres of agricul- ""°"€°· tural land wherever there may be such lands subject to entry; and the H°“"· heirs of any deceased Absentee W andotte Indian so enrol ed may in like manner select a like uantity og land in the name of their deceased ancmtor, and the naturill or le l guardian of any minor Absentee Mm"' Wiyandotte so enrolled may in lia manner select eighty acres of agricu tural land for his ward, and when lands shall have been so selected by any person entitled to make such selectionand. such selection is apprbved-by the Secretary of the Interior he shall cause ag tent to ’“°°”” issue in the name of the enrolled Absentee by or §·’iéhom such selection has been made, which patent s contain the condition . that the lands covered thereby shall not be aliened without the con- _ sent of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That as soon as any §f,‘{{Q‘,{;’Q;,hmm of such selection has been made and approved the pro rata share of the f¤¤¤S- Indian by or for whom such selection was made in the funds provided in the Acts of August fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, V0]- 28- PP-3°1·9°& and March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, shall thereby become relinquished to the United States and shall be covered into the Treasury as proceeds of the sales of public lands: And provided fur- _ d d _ t/ner, That the Secretary of the Interior may add to the said census thl,‘i§'§{,°§u,°{.0fil°'°"'° roll the names of such persons, not exceedin seventeen in number., as he may find pxiopeigy to have been entitled, to enrollment by said special agent, Joe . ive. Approved, April 28. 1904. CHAP. 1768.-An Act Providing for the resurvey of certain town hips in Routt. Apg and Rio Blanco counties in the State of Colorado. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representate7ves of the United Commm States of America in Cimgresa assembled, That the Secretary of the I Rsgurvesgogsgnsgg Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be made a resur- {SL gi§{,°c., (lumen, vey of the lands in Routt and Rio Blanco counties in the State of Colorado, embraced in and consisting of townships one, two, three, four, live, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and Emotional township twelve north, of ranges ninety-two, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety- five. ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred, one hundred and one., one hundred am? two, one hundred and three. and fractional range one hundred and four west, including a retrace-