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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/610

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522 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 1769-1771 1904. assessed, and shall be collected as special im rovement taxes in the District of Columbia, and shall be payable in lite equal annual installments, with interest at the_rate of four per centum per annum from and nds after sixty days asfter the confipmation of the vepédict anld lawsgg. t 1***mgg *“' d°· In a l cases o ments the accountin 0 cers s a e in 0 mm mama account the assessrlribiyit for benefits and the award for damages, and shall pay only such part of said award in respect of any lot as may be in excess of the assessment for benefits against the part of such lot not taken, and there shall be credited on said assessment the amount of said award not in excess of said assessment.

  • "°°°°‘”“¥“· That said court may allow amendments in form or substance in any

petition, process, record, or proceeding, or in the descripgion of prop- . erty pro sed to be taken, or of pr<}perty assessed for neiits whenever suchqzmendments will not inter ere with the substantial rights of the parties interested. jmcggmwm of Sec. 9. That each juror shall receive as compensation the sum of five dollars r day for his services during the time he shall be actually engagedxin such services under the dprovisions hereof. “·;gg;‘2"““°“ ‘°’ _ nc. 10. That the sum of three hun red dollars is hereby appro- ` priand, out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, to provide the necessary hmds for the costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant hereto. _ w,*},gg§§ “§}'°j$jg{‘ Sec. 11. That no appeal bv ariy interested party from the decision ew. ’ of the supreme court of the istrict of Columbia connrmin the assessment or assessments of benefits or damages herein provided for, nor any other proceeding at law or in equity by such party against the confirmation of such assessment or assessments, shall delay or prevent the payment of award to others in respect to the property condemned, nor delay or prevent the taking of any of said pro erty sought 1·»wm.. to be condemned, nor the widening of such street: Ibwvided, however, .;5,‘§,’{§{.‘T" °f mm That upon the final determination of said appeal or other roceeding at law or in equity the amountfound to be due and payable as damages sustained b reason of the widening of said street under the provisions hereofy shall he paid as hereinbefore provided. Approved, April 28, 1904; ` April 28, 1904. CHAP. 1770.—-An Act To establish a life-saving station at or near the entrance __ [S- 269*%] to Tillamook Bay, Oregon. {remit. uu. mn.} _ Be zt enacted by the Senate and House of lfe esentativee of the United rain..;..:; nay, Staten of Ameriva in Llmgress assembled, That the Secretary of the °§j`§‘.E}.;,,.,,,, ,,,,,,0,, Treasury be, and he is hereby. authorized to establish a life-saving ¤¤*¤*>“¤**•~‘**· station at or near the entrance to Tillamook Bay. on the coast of Oregon, at such point as the General Superintendent of the Life- Saving Service may recommend. Approved. April 2S. 1904. A ril2Vi.l904. CHAP. 1771.-—An Act1·` rt 0' n‘ h a· h __ _'l¤+.zyi·».¤,___ west sides of a.. Zoological i3.Q‘°Ds’{${L‘?§¤°é¤i3'$.€f¤`T“g mg " ’“°“ t ° "“` "“d Public, Nc. 203. [ i Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentatices of the Gifted

  • Q;Q;*;;;,*jf,f*
    j;¤¤;)¤l:`,ifi; States of America in- Cmzgress assembled, & within six mouths after

xglsgggpeieiii rpm the of this Act the Commissioners of the District of Columbia i.,;lp,,kj; ° '°" be, any they are hereby, authorized and directed to institute in the de';n'g°f:g5¤g){_*0 ¢¤¤· supreme court of the District of Columbia. sitting as a district court, by petition. particularly describing the lands to be taken, a proceeding in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary for connecting the